How Mines, Minefields and Booby Traps Work
How Mines, Minefields and Booby Traps Work

Mines and Minefields

Mine markers will be used to create simulated belts of mines or minefields on a scale that can dramatically alter the tactical situation of the combat simulation. Pyrotechnic mine simulators may be used inside these minefields or in other places for enhanced effect.

Each side will be issued a certain number of mine markers. A mine marker will consist of a thin metal rod with a flag attached at one end. Each side's flags will be in a different color or pattern.

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A mine marker designates an area within a radius of two paces (10 feet) that is theoretically heavily mined with multiple devices. Mine markers laid out in groups of five in a domino pattern are the building blocks of minefields (see Figure 1). These mine-markers groups can be put together to build minefields of any length or depth. Minefields should be marked off with string, chalk, flour etc. to indicate their coverage area and boundaries.

Minefields pose a serious obstacle to passing troops. Any unit moving through a minefield must take 75% casualties (in other words, three-quarters of the troops must die while crossing a minefield). Failure to take appropriate casualties in a minefield will incur a 500 point penalty, plus canceling any Combat Points gained in the action in which the crossing of the minefield was a part.

Removal of Mines by Mortar Fire

A mortar crew will inform a referee of their intent to bombard a minefield. The referee will put himself into a position to observe the landing of the mortar rounds. The mortar crew will then conduct the fire mission. Any mortar round landing within two paces (10 feet) of a mine marker flag will neutralize that section of the minefield. At the end of the fire mission the referee will remove the mine markers and make note of the points gained (3 points for each mine cleared)

Removal of Mines by Sappers or Pioniers

Engineer/Sapper/Pioniers are the only troops allowed to touch mine markers or enter minefields without incurring a penalty. To remove a mine, a Engineer/Sapper/Pionier must inform a referee that he is about to remove a mine. (Mine removal must be observed by a referee, except as noted under "free" marker removal, next page). He will then place himself next to a mine marker probe the ground with a bayonet or tool. It takes five man-minutes to remove one mine marker (one sEngineer/Sapper/Pionier five minutes of probing, two Engineers/Sappers/Pioniers two and one-half minutes, five one minute, etc.) to remove mines without risk of loss. Mines may be removed in less than five minutes (if combat situations require it) but there are chances of becoming a casualty in this case. The effects table used by the referees to determine a casualty is shown below:

 Mine removal/placement casualty effects table.

Die Roll by Referee
Under 20 seconds
automatic casualty
20 secs. to 1 min.
1 to 2 minutes
2 to 3 minutes
3 to 4 minutes
4 to 5 minutes

    *In cases of mine extractions between four and five minutes, a die is
    rolled two times. A casualty occurs if a "six" is rolled twice.

    **C = Casualty (killed)

A Engineer/Sapper/Pionier killed by a mine loses one "life" on his card and gives the enemy 30 combat points.

When observing mine clearing, the referee will keep track of elapsed time. If multiple Engineers/Sappers/Pioniers are clearing mines in one area, he may stipulate that they all start working on markers at the same interval.

If a mine clearing operation is interrupted by enemy fire or otherwise cut short, the Engineers/Sappers/Pioniers may withdraw from the minefield without incurring additional mine casualties; any mine marker that was not completely cleared prior to the withdrawal must stay in place.

Removing mine markers by demolition charge

Mine markers may be removed by detonating a demolition charge next to them.  One anti vehicle mine may be removed by setting off a demolition charge within two paces.  Two anti-personnel mines may be removed by detonating one demolition charge, assuming that the mine markers are about four paces apart and that the charge is placed between them.

Laying mine markers during scenario

Mine markers may be placed in tactical areas once a scenario has begun, but only by card-bearing sappers and Pioniers. While mine marker laying, they may suffer combat casualties as in other situations.

It takes five minutes to lay a mine marker without incurring a casualty. A Engineer/Sapper/Pionier must lay, sit, kneel or stand next to the spot where he intends to place a mine marker for five minutes to simulate the time it would take to bury several mines. If a Engineer/Sapper/Pionier places a mine marker in under five minutes, he will suffer the same casualty effects according to the "Mine removal/placement casualty effects table" on the previous page.

Minefields, special cases

Passage through "friendly" minefields--A minefield can be an obstacle or barrier to friendly as well as enemy troops. Lanes through "friendly" minefields may be marked by tape or string to indicate passages for friendly troops. Alternately, friendly troops may pass through their own minefields if they are led through in single file by a Engineer/Sapper/Pionier.

"Free" mine marker removal

Each Engineer/Sapper/Pionier will be allowed a limited number of "free" markers. A free marker entails allowing the removal of a mine or booby trap marker which is NOT observed by a referee. A free marker is normally collected when a Engineer/Sapper/Pionier is detached from the rest of his unit on a small patrol, such as a night reconnaissance. This allows a Engineer/Sapper/Pionier to clear mined and booby-trapped trails without having to have a referee present. Each "free" marker collected and turned in to a referee is worth 10 combat points. The referee will punch out one box on the Engineer/Sapper/Pionier's card until all boxes are used up.

Booby Traps

Booby traps will be simulated by a piece of string with a small colored flag attached to it. Booby traps may be strung across a road, thus slowing down the passage of the enemy; or more importantly, they can be attached to obstacles, thus making it necessary for the employment of Engineer/Sapper/Pionier in their removal. Pyrotechnic booby traps without markers may be used by themselves or along with the booby traps with markers for enhanced effect.

Engineer/Sapper/Pionier are the only troops which can remove booby traps without incurring penalties or casualties. A booby trap is removed by cutting the string at both ends with some tool. Each booby trap removed in this manner and turned in to a referee is worth 10 points.