Casualties and Prisoners
Casualties and Prisoners

Taking hits

All participants in Combat Simulations are expected to follow the honor system and take hits when appropriate. The referees will not tell a soldier when he should take a hit, but can assess that soldier's side with a 20 point penalty if he doesn't take a hit. The decisions of referees regarding penalties for not taking hits are not contestable.

Staying "Dead"

When taking a hit, you must stay down and act dead.   Do not sit up, take your helmet off, or walk around.  If you are not laying down you are a live target. If your tactical unit is advancing, you must wait until it has completely passed you by and the last man has gone at least 20 yards in front of you before you can get up. If your tactical unit is retreating, you may retreat with them if no enemy is within 20 yards.  Otherwise, you must stay down until the enemy has passed by and you are taken prisoner. (All casualties that are overrun are considered to be prisoners, instead of being "dead") If you are in a static firefight, you must stay down for five minutes before resuming fighting.


An advancing force should immediately round up all enemy casualties in their rear and escort them to one of the pre-arranged Exchange Points. This is to prevent "dead" enemy soldiers from springing to life behind you and attacking your rear. The soldiers escorting prisoners are considered to be under a flag of truce and are not to be fired upon until they rejoin their units.

Casualties Inside Fortified Positions

When a fortified position is completely captured, all of the enemy manning it are treated as prisoners. Prisoners who wish to continue to fight will be escorted out of the position and released at one of the Exchange Points. Prisoners who do not want to leave the position may be disarmed (weapons laid aside or stacked), assembled in one location and guarded. These prisoners may not rejoin the scenario as combatants until their side has recaptured the position.

Crew Served Weapons

When the entire crew of a heavy weapon is killed, the crew will stay dead for 15 minutes. The weapon will be out of action for a similar amount of time. Heavy weapons destroyed in the field (not in prepared positions) must move to a different location before they can resume fighting.