stamp act

This site is Gunny Approved
Traditional Muzzleloading Association


Powderhorns and more

Fort Chambers Inc.

Sanctuary Traders

Turkey Foot Trading Company and Forge, LLC


The American Revolution 1775-1781


The American Revolutionary War was not only the founding of the United States, but also the beginning of a new way of thinking. Reenacting the Revolutionary War, or "RevWar" as it is commonly referred to, has been around for a long time, with its heyday back around the Bicentennial. This isn't to say that RevWar has died off, it is still a strong hobby and has many dedicated people involved with it and in fact, is undergoing a resurgence.

Anyway, you will find we have quite a few links to different units and even many historical sites, so please, feel free to surf around and see what is here. When contacting a unit, please tell them you found them here at reenactor.Net ;-) If your unit was listed before and can no longer be found, this is probably because your website address is bad and we couldn't find a new one for your group, please reapply with your new site and we will put you up right away.



To add your unit or group's link, please
go to our link-add page.

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