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Traditional Muzzleloading Association


Powderhorns and more

Fort Chambers Inc.

Sanctuary Traders

Turkey Foot Trading Company and Forge, LLC


French & Indian War Units

The Seven Years War

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La Compagnie Franche de la Marine du Fort Toulouse is a living history organization dedicated to researching, recreating, and reenacting the everyday life of the French Marines, their families, and the Native allies. This is all for personal enjoyment as well as for public education. The company participates in many reenactments across the nation, as well as a continuing monthly program at Fort Toulouse. The group generally meets for Garrison on the third weekend of every month, with the exception of April and November, when larger events are scheduled at Fort Toulouse/Fort Jackson: each spring the company hosts the French and Indian War Encampment in April, and participates in Alabama Frontier Days in November.

The Forces of Montcalm & Wolfe (MidWest Northern USA & Canada)
The Forces of Montcalm & Wolfe is incorporated as a not-for-profit educational organization, dedicated to interpreting the history of Colonial North America during the French and Indian War (c. 1754-1763)
Blue Ridge Rifles, Inc.,is an NMLRA charter club, founded in 1976. We are located on 22 acres of the Blue Mountains, approximately one mile from the Appalachian trail just off Rt. 183 in Summit Station, PA. We are a strictly muzzle loading club.
We, the members and officers of Blue Ridge  Rifles, Inc., are  dedicated to the preservation and advancement of the lifestyle, ideals, patriotism, and freedoms of  the  early American  pioneer of the period 1750 to 1850, and as citizens of the United States to protect and defend the rights granted us by the constitution.

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