The Mexican-American War was an armed conflict between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848 in the wake of the 1845 U.S. annexation of Texas. Mexico claimed ownership of Texas as a breakaway province and refused to recognize the secession and subsequent military victory by Texas in 1836.
In the U.S. the conflict is often referred to simply as the Mexican War and infrequently as the U.S.-Mexican War. In Mexico, terms for it include (primera) Intervencion estadounidense en Mexico ((first) American intervention in Mexico), Intervencion estadounidense en Mexico (American Invasion of Mexico), and Guerra del 47 (The War of '47).
The most important consequences of the war for the United States were the Mexican terms of surrender under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, in which the Mexican territories of Alta California and Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico were ceded to the United States. In Mexico, the enormous loss of territory following the war encouraged its government to enact policies to colonize its remaining northern territories as a hedge against further losses. In addition the Rio Grande became the boundary between Texas and Mexico, and Mexico never again claimed ownership of Texas.
C company, 1st. US Dragoons also has troops in the East. We are spread out just as the old unit was. Our blacksmith (Tim Shedenhelm) is in Ohio, while our 1st. Sgt. (Tim Madigan is in Maine. Our Capt. (Tom Aycock) is currently in Pennsylvania, Trooper Kurt Kilponnen resides in Alabama.
As thin as we are, we try to make as many events as possible to ?show the guidon? Among the events we do are the yearly encampments at James K. Polk?s birthplace in Pineville, North Carolina in conjunction with the 12th. US Infantry and the 3rd. Dragoons. October finds us in Elmira, New York at their timeline. We have also been to the timeline in New Hampshire at ?The Fort at Number Four? We have done demonstrations at Carlisle Barracks in Pennsylvania, at the Army War College and at Harper?s Ferry in West Virginia.
It is, if anything, more interesting back here than in the West. Except for Polk?s Birthplace, most of the spectators have no idea who or what we are. We have been mistaken for everything from Civil War Militia to Cossacks!
Our organization prides itself not only on attention to historic authenticity but to developing and maintaining that esprit d' corps among its members. Company A is a family. Each member dedicates him or herself to looking out for the other.
Company A 7th Regiment of U.S. Infantry Living History Association was founded in 1988 in Ft. Worth, TX. Originally known as "The Jacksonian Society" it officially took on the designation of Company A, 7th Regiment of United States Infantry in 1989. It has grown from three members to now, twenty years later, over 100. We have members in more than 15 different states and Canada. Within our ranks are Ph.D.'s, historians, attorney's, curators, psychologists, educators, accountants, counselors, park rangers, law enforcement officers, housewives, students and active duty military personnel. All are dedicated to preserving and recreating the history of this proud regiment during the years spanning 1810-1850.