Forum > The Crimean War
93rd Sutherland Highlanders, Crimean 1854 impression
Greetings. Completing an impression for an enlisted man in a battalion company of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders in the early stages of the Crimean War. Feather bonnet, redcoat, kilt & kilt hose, etc. The principle British Army firearm / infantry weapon was the P-1853 Enfield percussion rifle, a huge advance from the flintlocks used previously. The 1851 (?) Minie rifle had come into use at this time also, a quote I acquired for reproducing one of these was outside of reasonability regarding cost. The proper period redcoat jacket has been the drag on the impression as mine will be produced one from period pics, drawings, reference sources and the like. More details to come as this becomes a finished product.
Can one post pics on this site ?
Crimean War reenacting is popular in the UK & Europe. There is a very well organized Russian unit in the Crimea, saw pics of them recently, the lads look very well uniformed and accoutered. Regarding the 1854-1857 period, there may be an interest in the USA someday from some of the conversations I have had with other living historians. The Crimean period is interestingly enough early British Victorian.
Cheers, Johnnie, 93rd Highlanders.
Check my pics page for a few recent pics of my 1854-1857 impressions of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders during the Crimean War & the Imdian Mutiny. Cheers.
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