Native American Reenactor Area
Native American reenacting!
WOW! The first time I ever saw any NA reenactors was at
Military Through the Ages, way back in like 1994 or 95. I remember a group of reenactors sitting around a fire and off to the other side was this guy doing NA. Man! I about crapped, he looked really good and... REALLY serious! I think he had his face done half red and and half black... Just sitting there and looking at people. I will always remember this and though I talked to him in later times (
and told him my reaction, much to his amusement), I will ALWAYS remember that night! If only more reenactors would do this impression and do it as good as this guy did...
One thing I have noticed while researching this Time/Area is that there is a real lack of Native American reenactor links. This is just wrong, I don't know why no one posts them, but we ARE! Right now, we have only a few, but over time, I am sure we will get more and more. Please visit the sites we have linked below and tell 'em you saw it on reenactor.Net ;-)
 The Webmaster for this Time/Area is: Badhand