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Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.

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I'd had a pretty bad run of luck with regards to BS and re-enactment over the last few years, but I haven't given up...

I've actually just been more selective about what re-enactments I do. I find that collections of individuals actually re-enact/work better together. Without a formalized groups much of the ego tripping and power struggle can't really take hold. It still happens, but without a formal group there is no one person or clique that can kick anyone to the curb, or any of that nonsense. This take does have it's down sides.... Working with collections of individuals does tend to make for smaller turnouts, but givent he choice of working with 5 to 10 people who may (or may not) all get along but are all willing to work together versus a larger "Group", where someone is "in charge".... I'll take the smaller collection of individuals any day of my life.

Lets face it folks, we all have bosses that tell us what to do on average 40 hours of our lives each week (millage may vary), some are decent about it, many are not... But we put up with that crap because we get paid to... It will be a cold day in hell before I sign up for a hobby where I am volunteering my time, and going through great personal expense to be treated that way by a fellow re-enactor.

Michael, that's all well and good for a Frontier impression, but for more modern stuff, like WWI, WWII, 'Nam or even ACW, it ain't gonna work. However, there just doesn't need to be a level of hatred. I fear a goodly part of it is the "glass half-empty" mentality. "No, that won't work... we shouldn't even try it." This kind of thinking dooms all good stuff.


--- Quote from: Sturmkatze on November 10, 2007, 02:37:18 PM ---Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
Not only do organizations split due to egos and power trips, but friendships are destroyed over trivial BS. In the beginning of WWII Reenacting, there was the HRS, then the Eastern guys split to start the Federation, which has split due to its own politics. Now we have all kinds of different organizations all over the country? is this a good thing? I don?t think so.

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Well, we formed the WWII LHA as a non-profit for living history/display/educational events. Not too many issues since we are still working on allowing other units to join it and the issues involved with that. In my opinion, if an organization is ran by arschlochs, say you can only attend their events, etc. then why belong? Why deal with the powerhungry SOB's since there really is no power at all in reenacting? Like I say to those in my unit, no-one in this hobby signs my paychecks so they have no power over me. Talking to some like-minded groups who are interested in forming an organization on a more regional level. Can't and won't go into that one until all said and done.


--- Quote from: Sturmkatze on November 11, 2007, 12:34:13 PM ---Michael, that's all well and good for a Frontier impression, but for more modern stuff, like WWI, WWII, 'Nam or even ACW, it ain't gonna work. However, there just doesn't need to be a level of hatred. I fear a goodly part of it is the "glass half-empty" mentality. "No, that won't work... we shouldn't even try it." This kind of thinking dooms all good stuff.

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I don't want to turn this into a debate.... But I see no reason why even more modern military impressions can not be done in some manner similar to what I suggested. Seriously, in just about EVERY era of re-enacting I have been exposed to (wether particpating, or as an audience member) the ratio of "officers" (feel free to substitute more appropriate term to your timeline) to "general soldiers" is grossly out of wack. Having a collection of individuals all willing to play the "average joe", and electing (or drawing lots or taking turns) being the officer(s) for each event can work perfectly. Anyone cool enough to be willing to have an "average joe" impression would be good with this arangement. Seriously, MOST (and this is a generalization NOT a truism), but most of the egos and attitudes, and conflicts of interests stem from those who are "in charge" and/or want to be. Make ALL particpants equals, with the opportunitity for those who want to be, get to play commander once in a while.... Doesn't leave much left to fight over, except for the possible debate over whose turn it is to be "in charge"... Something that can be dealt with by a solid plan for turns... Hell if said group only does a handful of events per year, most events are weekend long events, that gives two (or three days for long weekends) for two individuals to have their turn at being "in charge".

most people don't want the headaches of being in charge... it's not like you get anything out of it except 0| Anyway, modern stuff is different -- and it does take people who know what's going on to run it... not to argue. Apples and oranges. Armor, trenches, vehicles, machine guns and paperwork for... etc.

So anyway, I just want the hate to end. Doubt it will though. yoy


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