1870-1900 Time Area
 The Webmaster for this Time/Area is: Texas Lawdog (aka Jim Reed)
Wow, there's a lot of history in this small time period. 30 years and yet SO MUCH happened that shaped our "modern" world.This section of reenactor.Net is intended to help support those worldwide living history groups who reenact and portray the time period of the 1865-1900-era ? regardless of nationality, era, or location of the unit.
The Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871 (and just starting to be reenacted)
Old West
Indian Wars, (A small title for something so spread out and varied)
Anglo-Zulu War, 1879
Spanish American War, 1898
Anglo-Boer War, 1899 - 1902
Many of these wars and "conflicts" are not heavily reenacted, but for those who are interested in these areas of history, they put a lot of "love" and time and yes, money, into their impressions. And yes, as time goes on, often things will pick up and more will come out and join you. If you are interested in one of these areas, check out the groups listed.
This time period was one of great changes in the military and life. Life was harder, pay was lower. There was a huge variance in uniforms and weapons. There are as many possibilities in reenacting this period, as there are many different and important events and conflicts that occurred during these important 30 years.
*Note: There were other wars such as the Anglo-Burma War 1885, the Anglo-Egypt War 1882, the Anglo-Ethiopia War 1867-68, the American-Philippines War 1899 and more! So if you reenact any of them please inform us at r.Net 1870-1900 and we'll get it set up
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