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  • Thunder over Michigan, 7/23/11 Belleville MI : July 23, 2011 - April 09, 2011

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Thunder over Michigan, 7/23/11 Belleville MI
« on: April 09, 2011, 01:04:55 PM »
Thunder over Michigan
Belleville, MI
July 23, 2011    All Day

Here is the registration website

Here is the event website, Kinda. It shows the aircraft that will be there, Looks like 2 Zeros are to be there. So if anyone has a Flight crew impression you might be able to get some pics by them.

It is at Willow Run Airport here is the Mapquest page

Looks like there will be 2 battles each day one ETO and the other PTO the PTO battle will have the Zeros flying cover as 6 Corsairs come in and help the Marines and will dog fight the Zeros. There is a encampment area that you can set up at. The cost is free.
The camping Im not sure of yet. I will try to get some contact information and pass it along.
