Forum > 1600-1800
English Civil War Club
Hi everyone
My name is Leigh and I reprsent the englishcivilwarlcub. I have created a website that lets people roleplay the English Civil war, online with other users. We talk to eachother via email and a forum and I am always looking to expand the website as much as I can. I have just started this up so its in the beginning process at the moment and I am looking for serious people to come at take part. I have command roles in both Royalist and Parliamentary forces. Take a look at the site its I already have interest from the English Civil War Society and the American English Civil War Society and a few of there members have taken high command roles already.
Please go take a look and take part.
Leigh Johnstone
Karl Helweg:
For those who are interested in doing ECW:
These fellows showed up to the Southern Pleasure Faire in Oregon.
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