Forum > WWII

How much physical activity in a weekend event?

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I will take this on a different route. How fat are the reenactors or out of shape? I so remember folks so out of shape having heart attacks at events.We had folks die at CW events cause of theses problems. Then again when this many people get together their will be health problems. Even at a football stadium someone has a heart attack. It is sad indeed, working at a hospital I see alot of people who could have avoided the stay at our hotel.
 The 140 G-burg sounds nice but you all can't beat the 135th battle, All day fighting on SATURDAY. Culp' Hill battle was the BEST ever, bar none!!  We built all the breastworks chest level. We were attack while doing it. It was the closes you will ever come to a real CW battle. The 12th  Corps, Gen. Geary's Fighting White Stars, was alive for one day. Memories baby memories.
 As other's said  too depends on the event.



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