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Invitation to all re enactors, especially WWll
Phil Whitehead:
The Warrior's Day at Coe Hill is a non for profit organization of volunteers. Our mission is the education of our younger set and to give them an appreciation on Canadian Military and Wartime history. We do this by hosting Warrior's Day in Coe Hill on Labour Day weekends in conjunction with Legion Br581 in the Hamlet of Coe Hill, in the Fairgrounds. A schedule of events can be seen on our website. Coe Hill is located south of Bancroft, north of Belleville. .
We would love to have re enactors join us for the weekend. We have the real estate to handle austere camping, outdoor toilets, no running water on site. We can accomodate Unit line requests by arrangement.
You'll find a list of contacts on the site, give me a call PhilW using the site or
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