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Who will be best for reenactors?

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I am leaning towards Obama -- I know many will disagree, but in my humble opinion, Hillary will be the doom of this country w/ her Maoist ideas and McCain, well I'm sorry, but he's a liberal in conservative's clothing... that along w/ the fact I just can't shake the "Manchurian Candidate" idea  :-[ Also, John McCain is NOT for gun owner's rights... Where do we go? What do YOU think? (politely please)

Obama isn't for gun owners rights either....

i pick ron paul.

The Democratic Party has evolved into the Communist/Socialist Party while the Republican Party had changed into the old Democrat Party. Obama is way worse then Clinton but doubt the Republican base will allow "old fart" McCain to do anything to gunowners rights.

Strangely enough, not all Democrats. Ron Paul has no chance... as for rest, we'll just have to see. Too bad people won't join th NRA... oh well, ya cannot win.

Well, I listened to the debates for both parties :'(. As a Social Studies teacher I will honestly say the Democrats are very much communist/socialist in their views and nieve in how to get the country out of debt (raise taxes and give to the poor). Aftr 18 years as a member of the party, I switched to Republican because I feel that we made it through education and hard work so the poor need to strive to make it to middle class on their own without government help, getting the Hispanic vote by allowing illegals to stay and get driver's license, etc. is out of the question and the gun laws the Dem's have made in NY and NJ are becoming just like the ones in the Third Reich (eventually none to be allowed). The old Republican base will keep their candidate grounded because right now he can't do a thing without them. So looks like McCain's b***s are tied to the wall you might say.


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