Advertising on reenactor.Net and Sturmkatze Companies
Ad Pricing
Why would you want to advertise with reenactor.Net?
Well, an ad on reenactor.Net can bring you in touch with the clientele you are trying to reach. We "serve" around 300,000+ "page views" each month, mostly from serious living historians and reenactors.
You might have heard the term "hits" used as a indicator of a website's popularity, but this term is often overused on the Internet. A "hit" actually occurs every time an object on a web page is sent to your browser, so if there's a lot of art on a page, there will be a lot of hits for each page view -- we don't count this way as it is somewhat dishonest
All this translates into the fact that we get somewhere around 20,000 to 35,000 distinct visitors each month looking at these pages. Sometimes more, sometimes less -- it's the web. However you look at it, there's a lot of viewers here.
How will reenactor.Net influence my bottom line?
Good question. Here is a testimonial from Ed Walton, owner of Lost Battalions Military Reproductions:
"reenactor.Net is consistently Lost Battalions' top source of click-through web traffic. The shoppers who come to the Lost Battalions web site from reenactor.Net stay longer, view more pages, and spend more money than web surfers coming in from other sites. reenactor.Net is an essential advertising tool for Lost Battalions and should be the first web advertisement choice for all vendors of reenactment supplies."
Ed Walton, Lost Battalions Military Reproductions
What are the different ways I can advertise on reenactor.Net?
We offer visibility and prices to reflect various budgets and needs. With our ads, you can immediately start reaching thousands of targeted, interested buyers each month and bring them to your website. Our very reasonable prices will enable customers already interested in the types of items you sell, to find you and come directly to your firm. We have a number of different types of ads, from simple Banner Ads to Button Ads... See below for specifics...
Types of Ads
Front Page Banner Ad--These are limited, but since they ar eon the main page of reenactor.Net, they ge tmore traffic. We charge $300. per year for these. A direct link to your company is provided with the ad. There is no text along with these. The maximum size of the banner is 600 x 200 pixels and 20k max.
12 Months (1 full year paid in advance) -- $300.00
Sutler Page Banner Ad--The Sutler/Vendor pages of each Time/Area are where reenactor.Net visitors go to find links to quality vendors--this is the place to put your ad! Your banner ad is proudly displayed in the sutler area for that T/A, along with up to two paragraphs of text, in an area where buyers who are already looking to buy, can easily find your company and wares. Here you can tout products, prices or anything about your firm to draw interest. Same style banner as in the Front Page Banner Ads. A direct link to your company is provided with the ad. The maximum size of the banner is 600 x 200 pixels and 20k max.

12 Months (1 full year paid in advance) -- $200.00
or consider it 3 months and when you order it, we throw in another 9 months for FREE! :-)
Button Ads
Button ads are an offering we have and they promise to put your ad-link right in front of the viewer's gaze! Not only that, they are an economical alternative to the banner ads and when used in conjunction with a banner ad campaign, they can prove VERY effective. As we are just starting this, we don't have them on all pages yet, but we will soon. Be the first one in your time area! Prices for "above the fold" button placement (placement on the page is on a first come, first serve basis).
Button Ad ServiceIf you need us to make you a button ad, we can... at least we have made the ones to the right out of clip art and I am sure we can whip something up for your business. For the most part, we charge $79.95 for the service if you provide us the artwork. If we have to make it or find the artwork, it might be a bit more, please feel free to inquire about this. And yes, we can do some kinds of animated banners, as always check with us for pricing... |
Terms of Service:
- Payment for ads is due in the full amount for the time requested when the ad is ordered. We can take payment by credit card via Paypal! ;-)
- Please be specific on the time, style and period desired for the ad.
- Customer is responsible to provide reenactor.Net with all needed artwork for the ad desired. Banners will usually be no bigger than 600 x 200 pixels and 20k maximum in file size. The banner art may be animated or static as long as it fits the sizing rules,
- Along with the ad artwork and copy, the customer must also supply contact information in order for us to be able to contact them on anything that should come up.
- reenactor.Net will send the customer an email notice one month before the current ad expires--sometimes we forget and you get a longer term for free... what a deal :-Ş . Any changes can be made at that time.
- Should a customer wish to change their current ad, this can be done for a set up fee of $25.00.
- reenactor.Net reserves the right to deem any ad as unsuitable and refund the ad price and artwork back to the customer.
- Ads must not violate our Terms of Service nor those any of our partners. For example, we are a Google AdSense publisher and as such, any ad links that are on our site(s) will not violate Google's Terms of Service. You may read Google's TOS here.
reenactor.Net contact information:
You can contact me through email at:
Marsh Wise
Ads Manager reenactor.Net
"It is my pleasure to work with you to really enhance
your company's profits!"
*Note: To see when your ad runs out, simply hold your mouse over your
ad logo and the date will show as the "alt-text."
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