Forum > Women's Area

Still Looking For Help


Bonnie aka blnzrfn:
Hello Ladies, I hope everyone has a lovely Turkey Day! :'(  I'm realy bummed  that no one from my area(Central Indiana) has stepped up and said "Hello"Let me introduce myself and my family....Iam Bonnie (34) I've been doing living history off/on since I was 7 (French group Lou & Judy Forbes)(Scottish group Glenn (I cant remember last name) Sorry!(and WolfCreek)  Iam very fluffy and have a hard time finding patterns in my size 28/30(2 kids haven't been kind to my figure)but you know what my man loves me  :-*Iam a stay at home mommy right now...(so Iam on here almost everyday so if you post I will say hello back)I do all my own sewing (Iam trying to enlarge a stays pattern right now)any one else have that problem???I use to use a bodice trying to change it up a bit- stays and jacket-Timothy (44)new to living history but he's game..likes cooking things over an open fire at home why not at a camp..Doesn't mind if I make his gear (as long as I don't make him look funny lol)likes trees and outdoorsEli (13) loves throwing hawks/knivesalso doesn't mind if I make his gearSaid he misses all the fun he use to have and all the kids his age he use to meet..would like to make  freinds that do living history Bri (17 mon.)I think I'am having the most fun with her clothingshe just likes to play and get into everythingI think she would like to find kids her own age to play with to(mom is a bit boring)We are all a bit off our nut but thats what makes us funIf you think you could give give us a hand up to help us get back into reenacting.. We would  be most greatful  ;D


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