Austro-Hungarian Reenacting Units
The Austro-Hungarian Empire... Emperor Franz Joseph...all but forgotten today, but this nation was once one of the most important in Europe. If you are interested in History, and why else would you be here... check these units out! The men who portray the soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire are serious in both their impressions and their attitudes.
About the Austro-Hungarian Empire
(from Wikipedia!)
The Austro-Hungarian Empire, also known as Austria-Hungary, the Dual Monarchy or k.u.k. Monarchy or Dual State, was a dual-monarchic union state in Central Europe from 1867 to 1918, dissolved at the end of World War I.
The dual monarchy was the successor to the Austrian Empire (1804-1867) on the same territory, originating in the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 between the ruling Habsburg dynasty and the Hungarians.
As a multi-national empire and great power in an era of national awakening, it found its political life dominated by disputes among the eleven principal national groups.
Its economic and social life was marked by a rapid economic growth through the age of industrialization and social modernization through many liberal and democratic reforms.
The Habsburg dynasty ruled as Emperors of Austria over the western and northern half of the country and as Kings of Hungary over the Kingdom of Hungary which enjoyed some degree of self-government and representation in joint affairs (principally foreign relations and defense).
The Monarchy bore the full name internationally of "The Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Imperial Council and the Lands of the Crown of St. Stephen".
The capital of the state was Vienna. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was geographically the second largest country in Europe after the Russian Empire, and the third most populous (after both Russia and the German Empire). Today, the territory it covered has a population of about 73 million.
Reenacting the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Here, you'll find a small but growing worldwide list of Austro-Hungarian reenactor websites. If you know of a website for a Great War reenacting unit not listed here, please contact me and we'll get it going. IF you find a link that doesn't work, by all means, PLEASE let me know--people change servers ALL the time and often simply change around their website structure, making links not work. Thanks, Marsh
We are a member unit of the Great War Historical Society, the Southern California-based First World War reenacting organization. We reenact the Austro-Hungarian K.u.K. (Imperial and Royal) Infantry Regiment #61, primarily in late-war scenarios.
We are combination of amateur historians, collectors and reenactors, united by a desire to try and understand the causes, events and consequences of the First World War and how they continue to influence the world around us.

Founded on May 1, 1998, we are a registered society "Kaiserschützenregiment Nr. I", translated into English this would be "Imperial Fusiliers regiment number I". People interested in tradition and history have been gathering and are still coming together under this flag. Collectors as well as historians have also found a place of mutual interest there. We have worked out and documented the history of the regiment, fostering its tradition. Our aim is to give the general public a better understanding of the life of an ordinary Imperial Fusilier and to illustrate his life as authentically as possible.
We have our own meeting place, an extensive library and many video cassettes illustrating "the Austrian southern front" and we provide a collection of very interesting original documents from the First World War.
The activities of the uniformed members of the society are twofold:
-Participation in traditional commemoration events and reunions of comrades respectively, such as commemoration days of the regiment, commemoration of our soldiers killed in action, festivities of our province, and so on.
-Representation of our history in authentic uniforms and armament, very often together with comrades from all over Europe, for example in Verdun side by side with friends from Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain and Slovenia.
The military-historical group " K. u. k. Infanterieregiment Erzherzog Ludwig Salvator Nr.58 " has been based in July, 2006. Thus, in territory of Ukraine we are the second club which is engaged in a reconstruction of the soldier of Austro-Hungarian army of the period of the First World war 1914-1918 and we are a part of Association of clubs of Austro-Hungarian army by a principle of the general submission.
We attempt to portray an army unit, and army largely forgotten by American historians. Our members are fascinated with WW1 history and enjoy spending time recreating history as it was in 1918 for the multinational army of Austria-Hungary.
The Austro-Hungarian impression is a great opportunity for people with eastern European ancestry to try to relive the war experiences of our ancestors. If you are looking for challenging impression and enjoy learning military history our unit is a place for you.
The German language site of the association of the k.u.k. Infanterie-Regiment Nr.4
The aim of this site is to document the organisational history of the land forces of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy from just prior to the outbreak of the Great War until the collapse of the monarchy in 1918. The subject is complex and large. Very little is available in the English language and what is available tends to be of the allied forces intelligence type information and books derived from those sources. These were of necessity produced during wartime in difficult conditions and are not to be considered as fully reliable or accurate. [[This is a GREAT site!!! Not so much that it's reenacting--it's not, it's just great in that it's got a lot of good info on the AH Army]]