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  • Battle of Baton Rouge (1779): December 01, 2007 - December 31, 1969

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Battle of Baton Rouge (1779) re-enactment
« on: August 19, 2007, 08:15:27 AM »
Battle of Baton Rouge 1779
In June of 1779, after many years of secretly aiding the American Colonies, Spain openly declared war on England.  One of the primary strategic goals of the Spanish forces in the West Indies was to wrestle control of the Mississippi River Valley from English hands.  On August 26th after riding out a hurricane in the city of New Orleans the Governor of Louisiana, Bernardo de Galvez, departed that city to attack the British garrisons along the river before they could receive word of the declaration of war.
Galvez?s army quickly crossed into the English colony of West Florida, which was one of the colonies not to rebel against the Crown.  Composed almost entirely of Louisianans and Americans, On September 8th the army arrived at the English town of Baton Rouge.  Quickly encircling the fort, Galvez began siege operations and began to plan his attack.
On the night of September 20th the Spanish militia and the American forces worked to build an approach trench and artillery emplacement on the north side of the fort in an outcropping of trees that came near the walls.  This work party quickly drew fire from the forts guns, and the noise of the bombardment masked the sound of the real redoubt being built to the south of Fort New Richmond.  By morning the English realized their mistake but it was too late.  Soon all of Galvez?s artillery, including a 24lb naval piece, opened fire on the forts mud walls and within hours a breach was created.  The Fixed Infantry Regiment of Louisiana quickly formed to storm the fresh opening in the fort?s walls, but before they could be given the order to attack a white flag was raised as the English asked for terms.
The English were forced to surrender all of their forts along the Mississippi.  A major strategic victory for both the Americans and the Spanish, it gave Spain a free hand to attack the English at will all along the Gulf Coast by removing the threat to New Orleans and gave to the United States a chance to occupy all of the land west to the Mississippi River.
Battle of Baton Rouge 2007
From December 1, 2007 to December 2 the LSU Rural Life Museum and the Fixed Infantry Regiment of Louisiana will host Baton Rouge 226th.  The event will be held from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon.  Saturday and Sunday will both feature battle reenactments in the afternoon.  Hay and firewood will be provided by the site as will 24 hour indoor restroom facilities.  Participants will be responsible for feeding themselves for all meals.  Powder will not be provided by the site.  All cartridges should be rolled prior to the event.  All weapons firing will be conducted in accordance with the guidelines established by the Louisiana office of state parks (Same as BAR/British Brigade/Continental Line/NWTA). There will be two campsites set up, one for English forces and one for Spanish/American forces.
Travel Directions:
Driving east on I-10 towards New Orleans: Exit #160 (Essen Lane); bear right onto Essen Lane; at the first traffic signal turn right to enter the grounds of the LSU Burden Research Plantation/Rural Life Museum; follow the black-top road 1.5 miles to the museum.
Driving west on I-10 towards Baton Rouge: Exit #160 (Essen Lane); turn left onto Essen Lane at the traffic signal; go under the interstate overpass; at the second traffic signal turn right to enter the grounds of the LSU Burden Research Plantation/Rural Life Museum; follow the black-top road 1.5 miles to the museum.
 Battle of Baton Rouge ? 2007   December 1 ? December 2
Reenactor Registration
Please register as a unit. Units will be amalgamated into Companies representative of the Units present in September of 1779, based upon uniform & type of portrayal. Battalion assignments will be posted as soon as they are made.
Please be as accurate as possible in your registration. If your numbers of participants or tents change, please contact us with the corrected figures to aid in better camp layout, firewood, hay, etc. etc.   All questions concerning the event should be sent to
Event Coordinator ?    Paul Bergeron

Unit Name: ____________________     Commanding Officer: _________________

Which Side:  Spanish ___   Americans ___   British ___         

Type of Portrayal:  Line Infantry ___ Light Infantry ___ Militia ___ Artillery ___

Contact Person: _________________ Email: ______________________
Address: ________________________________
City: ________________ State: ____ Zip: ______
Phone: ____________________

Number of participants: Muskets ____ Rifles ____ Officers ____ Drummers ___
                                       Fifers___ Gunners ____ Distaff & Children or Civilan ____

Number of Tents: Wedges ____ Flies ____ Wall Tents ____ Bell of Arms ____

Type & Sizes of Artillery: __________________________________________________

APPROX # of Cars (For parking plans): _______

ESTIMATED time/date of arrival: _______________

I have read the rules & requirements for the 226th of Baton Rouge:
We have not: ___    My unit will comply: ___
Please mail the completed form to:
Battle of Baton Rouge ? 228th
7717 Dividend Dr.       
Baton Rouge, LA 70817
Authenticity & General Rules
At Baton Rouge 228th, the generally accepted Authenticity Rules of the Brigade of the American Revolution, The British Brigade, and of the Continental Line have been adopted for this event. Your registration and attendance at Baton Rouge 228th indicates your acceptance of these rules, with special attention to the following:
General Rules:
All units must be registered to participate, and all participants must sign a waiver. No individuals or walk-ons.
Hay and Wood are valuable. Remind your unit members to conserve where possible.
No cars in camp after 9:00 am Saturday; before 3:30 pm Sunday.
Arrivals to unload, and move vehicle in reasonable time, with no cars overnight in camp.
General Impression
All participants wear period appropriate clothing representative of 1779-82 period in the South
No anachronisms visible during public hours. (Wristwatches, cigarettes, modern eyeglasses, plastic, modern gun cleaning, coolers, etc.)
No baled straw for camp seats (must be returned to stock pile)
No visible coolers/contemporary camping equipment (put in tent)
No open alcohol containers/drinking during public hours.
Use impression-appropriate furniture (Spanish & Americans are on campaign; Brits are in Garrison), ideally folding stools, ladder-backs, chests, boxes, etc. No Rendezvous chairs)
No lantern stands until after dark, then only if needed.
Tie your tents to hide modern insides.
 Safety Rules:   
At Baton Rouge 228th, the Black Powder and Safety Guidelines of the Louisiana Office of State Parks has been adopted for this event. Your registration and attendance at Baton Rouge 228th indicates your acceptance of these rules, with special attention to the following:
∑ Keep full water bucket by each fire;
∑ Douse fire/refill with dirt upon departure. Replace sod.
∑ No discharging of firelocks in camps.
∑ Visitors may not control weapons at any time.
∑ No throwing of tomahawk, knives, etc.,
∑ Firearms must have Hammerstall, & flashguard, with functional half cock.
∑ Minimum age to field with a firearm is 16
∑ Nothing but powder in your gun barrel. No paper or rammers in the gun.
∑ All powder must be in pre-rolled cartridges, and no rolling on site.
∑ Opposing forces no closer than 30 feet, unless part of an approved scenario.
∑ Don?t discharge weapons directly at opposing forces- but please no ?duck hunting?.
∑ No swordplay or hand to hand combat, unless part of an approved scenario.
Paul Bergeron