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Author Topic: Reproduction Black Powder Firearms/ Edged Weapons use in California State Parks  (Read 17809 times)

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Offline Sterling

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Found the following posted over at another list I am a member of.  If this is accurate, you Californian reenactors may wish to fight this....

The following only applies to events in California and specifically the State Park System. If you do not live in California, please excuse this posting.

All forms of ?combat? pending banning from California State Park System. This has not been implemented yet, but its in the final stages of staffing prior to implementation.

State Parks Proposed Guidelines for the Use of Historic Weapons Policy, October 3, 2007

?Reproduction Black Powder Firearms and Edged Weapons use in California State Parks?

Main Points

1. Battle reenactments and/or demonstrations of battle tactics that involve firing at opposing lines, taking of casualties, or any form of simulated warfare are absolutely prohibited in all areas administered by California State Parks.

The rest of the ?guidelines? almost become superfluous after point one, however, they are listed at the bottom of this note.

These proposed guidelines (which have the effect of regulations but by-pass all the legal open hearing requirements because they are policy, not regulations) only apply at State Parks, if this policy will impact your local event will really depended on whether that event is on state property as opposed to county, city, or private property. The odd observation is that these are normally ?cash cow? events for the state and they will take a revenue loss as a result of this policy. Off the top of my head- this effectively kills the 40 year old Fort Tejon Civil War Program and the several year old San Pasqual Mexican American War Program to name just two (2) locations.

If you object to the policy, or object that regulations are being proposed that by-pass the open hearing requirements under the name ?policy?, you can contact either the governor?s office or your state representative.

If you don?t care about this proposed policy, you may want to read item 6 below. That item while speaking to weapons initially could be used as a pretext to prevent pirate events at any of the State Parks that does not have a ?pirate? theme.

Here?s the rest of the policy:

2. All staff, volunteers, and special event participants who have access to, or possess a firearm or ammunition on department property must be prescreened for any convictions specified in the state's gun control statutes.
3. Use only reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons in interpretive demonstrations in California State Parks
4. Undertake all uses of reproduction historic weapons in parks with a major focus on visitor, demonstrator, and employee safety. Physical barriers must be used to keep visitors at safe distances. Demonstrators will wear both safety glasses and hearing protection.
5. Individuals performing black powder firearms demonstrations in State Parks may wear period-appropriate attire or protective modern clothing.
6. All black powder and edged weapons used in demonstrations will be consistent and appropriate to the interpretive theme and interpretive period(s) of the park unit.
7. Prior to performing any demonstrations within State Parks, all employees and volunteers of the department will be trained in the safe use of reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons.
8. Inspect all reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons used in demonstrations annually.
9. Maintain all reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons in a safe, clean, and rust-free condition.
10. Black powder storage, handling, and transportation will conform to the State Fire Marshall and Department of Transportation regulations.
11. Check all reproduction black powder firearms to ensure weapons are unloaded and that no projectiles are in evidence prior to use in State Parks. Use only blank ammunition in firing demonstrations.
12. No person under 18 years of age, while in possession of firearms, shall fire, or be in possession of, black powder.
13. No person shall use or handle explosives (e.g., black powder, percussion caps. Or fuses) while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
14. Use of reproduction black powder firearms or edged weapons shall no affect any Cultural or natural resources negatively.
15. Consult local zoning codes and authorities before designating demonstration ranges in state parks.
16. Keep accurate records of black powder use and transactions.
17. Follow all department requirements for safely loading, unloading, and preparing powder charges, as outlined in the Guidelines for the Use of Historic Weapons and provided in training and certification programs.
18. All Department-certified Historic Weapons Lead Persons and Inspectors shall attend a Department- approved certification program every four years.
19. Report all accidents involving the use of black powder and edged weapons to the District Superintendent. A Historic Weapons Accident Notification and Review report shall be completed.
20. Each district will maintain an inventory of its reproduction black powder firearms and provide a copy of the inventory to the Public Safety Division in Headquarters.
21. All non-state owned black powder or cartridge weapons transported on California State Park property for use by park staff, volunteers or special event presenters, will be registered within the first thirty minutes upon arrival to the site.
22. Visitors may handle and unloaded weapon, providing the demonstrator maintains control with one hand.
23. Expose edged weapons only under controlled conditions. Visitors will NOT handle edged weapons.
24. If misfires occur, the standard misfire procedures drill will be followed.
25. Use only sporting grade black powder in interpretive demonstrations.

California State Parks will not accept responsibility of any non-government owned weapons or equipment.

Any violation of these policies or standards by the individual or group shall result in immediate removal of the individual or group from further weapons firing demonstrations in the park.

Where did I get this information? From a State Park Employee that runs one of the volunteer programs.

Offline Oskar_2ndChev

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Just another reason for avoiding dealing with government entities. I used to reenact at Ft. Tejon on a regular basis but the increasing BS governmental regulation just got to be too much.

If this is true, then it will really put a serious crimp in reenacting out in Southern California. I'm surprised I haven't heard about this sooner, I subsribe to a number of lists.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2007, 02:34:05 PM by Oskar_2ndChev »
Adam Lid
aka Oskar Landschultz/Matthew Hawkins
3rd Squadron, 2nd Chevauleger
Co. H, 2nd US Cavalry