I'm a romanian reenactor belonging to the 3rd transylvanian volunteers Regiment "Avram Iancu" who joined romanian army in 1917.
Romania entered WW1 in 1916 on Allied side, the purpose being to liberate Transylvania from AH monarchy. Romanians from Transylvania, being AH subjects, were drafted in AH army, but they fought for a foreign cause. Their dream was for centuries to unite with Romania. So, being on russian front, romanians from AH army deserted or gave themselves prisoniers to the russians with ease. Ariving to russian POW camps, they ofered themselves volunteers and joined Romanian army beging with year 1917.
Last transylvanian volunteers came home from Siberia where they fought against bolshevics in 1921 on a route including Singapore-Calcutta-Port Said-Constantinopol-Constanţa.
Here is my uniform as sergeant of transylvanian volunteers: