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Author Topic: March into Germany Crossing the Rhine (march 20 - 22)  (Read 8456 times)

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Offline dietrich

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March into Germany Crossing the Rhine (march 20 - 22)
« on: February 12, 2009, 05:56:06 PM »
       March into Germany

                            Crossing the Rhine

The members of the Illiana Historical Association are having a WW2 tactical event to be held at Rice Woods near Koontz Lake,Indiana on the weekend of

March 20 - 22,2009.

This event is open to reenactors only. Pre-registration is mandatory!

No walk ons!

Our goal is to provide an authentic WW2 event with the senerios being played out in terrain closely resembling that which is mostly historically correct.

This is a primative site with outdoor toilets,a small HQ building/kitchen/ warmingcenter, hand pump well(naturally spring fed well-no sulfur taste),a large picnic shelter, and 15 or so huge campsites. Terrain has hills, a dried up swamp,valleys, hard packed dirt roads, and heavily wooded with huge trees. 132 acres all at our control.

Each unit will be assigned objectives and expected to work with friendly units to obtain them.This will be a fluid tactical event with orders subject to change dependent upon the scenerio as it unfolds.We have scheduled two scenerios morning and afternoon.

The IHA canteen will be open for a continentel breakfast and lunch.

(Food and beverages are free, compliments of the IHA).You may also bring your own provisions or eat at one of the many resturaunts in the area.

Period campsites are plentiful, free fire wood at each site.(all fires must be attended and extinguished before check out)You may arrive at 1300 hours friday March 20,2009.

All IHA safety and authenticity rules will be strictly enforced.

Copies are available upon request and are posted on our website at

(illianahistorical. com)

We have approval for a limited number of light ww2 vechicles and small tracked vechicles also. Half tracks OK.

The event fee is $20.00.Make checks payable to the IHA.

All class 3 owners should file the appropriate forms with the ATF.

The address of the event is:

Rice woods, 1100east/600north, Groverton, Indiana.

Contact: Rich Gratt at 219-746-4332 or 219-671-4678

Forms are available online at :

http://www.illianahistorical. com

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Offline dietrich

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Re: March into Germany Crossing the Rhine (march 20 - 22)
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2009, 08:20:21 AM »
To all:
 There is less than 2weeks left till the event at Rice woods. If you are going to attend, you need to get preregistered no later than Weds the 18th... Mail in your forms or just shoot me an email with your list of soldats attending. The camping is primitive, lots of firewood, and we will be serving breakfast and lunch to all. There will be a dinner Saturday night for all of you that are staying through till Sunday. As usual there is no extra charge for the food, but donations are appreciated.