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Author Topic: Indianola, IA - Eastern Front Winter Tactical  (Read 7041 times)

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Indianola, IA - Eastern Front Winter Tactical
« on: January 09, 2009, 11:45:53 AM »
2009 Eastern Front Winter Tactical

Indianola, IA 
February 28, 2009

Once again it is time for the annual winter Eastern Front tactical at Indianola, IA. This year hopefully the snow will again be plentiful as it has been in the past.

Just as before it will be held on the 80 acre re-enactment site with bunkers and trenches just south of town. (See event website for directions to site.)

Battle scenario ? This will be an event portraying the East Prussia/Poland region in Early 1945.

This is an Eastern Front event only so no Western Front impressions allowed!

This tactical will require units to take part in established scenarios based on actual war time operations.  This is not the usual capture the flag or a scavenger hunt nor will it be a bug hunt. There will be real world objectives. These objectives will require a variety of skills that do not solely rely on who has the most men nor the greatest firepower. Those who took part last year and previous years can attest to that description.

Axis Forces  ?  Open to all SS units. Heer units and Volkstrum need to get approval from Axis contact.

Soviet Forces  ? All RKKA impressions which are appropriate to this time period and location are welcome. Partisans(pro & anti-communist) are welcome and encouraged to attend but need to get approval from Soviet contact first. (See event website for partisan guidelines.)

Registration will open on site on Saturday morning at 7:00 AM

Tactical operations to begin between 9:00 and 9:30 AM

Tactical operations to cease by 4:00 PM

Battle fee - $10.00  per person

Hot lunch to be provided to registered participants.

Directions to the event, hotel information and other details are located on the event website. It is being updated from last years event as this notice is being posted. Check into the website for updates on a regular basis.


Questions can be sent to the appropriate personnel below.

Axis / Volkstrum  contact 

Dave Ruffcorn, 3Kp Grossduetchland

(515) 262 - 2116


Soviet / Partisan contact 

Robert Leinweber, 416th Rifles

(309) 562 - 7664