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Author Topic: One of the best ways to have learned grammar, history and government.  (Read 9371 times)

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Offline Antonescu

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If you remember being a kid and watching these shorts on ABC Saturday mornings then you just gave away your age. However they still are good tools to learn by and plan to do so with my little one. How many remember these:

Conjunction Juction (the first one out and remember seeing it!

No More Kings

Shot Heard 'round the World

How a Bill becomes a law
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
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Offline Bonnie aka blnzrfn

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OMG I love these .....I wish they would bring them back to Sat. cartoons ....I'm going to force my kids to watch them right now ...LOL
"as seen in Smoke and Fire News ;"

Offline tleve

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they have some of them out on DVD on . i have the ones that are out .
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