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Author Topic: Cowboys in Uniform  (Read 10830 times)

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Cowboys in Uniform
« on: December 06, 2007, 01:05:56 PM »
Hey are there any Span-Am guys out there in the midwest anymore?
I was a member of the US 9th in Indiana and still am.
I have heard of an event for SAWS this coming fall of 08.
Anybody know where and when?
I'm also an honorary member of B troop 1st Vol Cav out  of Arizona.

Offline Oskar_2ndChev

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Re: Cowboys in Uniform
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 03:16:18 PM »
Can't speak for the Midwest but it pretty much fizzled out here on the West Coast after the 100th Anniversary in 1998. There's a small group that mostly does displays but that's pretty much it.
Adam Lid
aka Oskar Landschultz/Matthew Hawkins
3rd Squadron, 2nd Chevauleger
Co. H, 2nd US Cavalry

Offline Johnnyreb6

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Re: Cowboys in Uniform
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 11:43:16 PM »
I don't know about the West, but there is some smaller groups in the East, we've been trying to put together a group of Heavy Artillerymen here in the Carolinas & Georgia to do Living Histories and Timelines at the various Military Posts like Fort Moultrie, Sumter, etc... Any thoughts as far as getting folks interested would be more than welcome that's for sure.
- Captain, "Palmetto Riflemen" & "New York Zouaves."
- Commander, Charles Devens Jr. Camp No. 10, Sons of Union Veterans.
- President, Micah J. Jenkins Camp No. 164, Sons of Spanish American War Veterans.

"There?s no use dodging. You will be hit when your body and bullets are at the same place at the same time?.?
Captain Henry J. Reilly, Battery F, 5th U.S. Artillery, 1898.