4-6 December 2009, Christmas at the Barracks, 1826 - 1945, Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO,
The Friends of Jefferson Barracks Fund raiser, ?Christmas at the Barracks?. This is a Traditional Holiday gathering of Re-enactors reflecting the History of Jefferson Barracks from 1826 - 1945 and pot luck dinner and Living History event with camping over on Friday and Saturday night. The Barn and Laborers House will be open for display's and there is a heated indoor restroom. Set-up starts Friday night and the camp and displays are open to the public at 12 noon on Saturday, all Military impressions, from 1826 - 1945 and all Military Vehicles are welcome. The re-enactors will put on a uniform and equipment demonstration at the Friends of Jefferson Barracks Fund Raiser Dinner that evening.
I would like to explain the re-enactors pot luck dinner. Christmas at the Barracks is an event with a lot of things going on. First and farmost this is a Christmas party for Re-enactors, a time to get together and celebrate the season, tell war stories make new friends and see old ones. I would like each person to bring some kind of dish, drink, add to the beef stew pot, or anything that will help to make a great dinner, snack, or whatever just tastes good. Last year we had so much food all were stuffed. Even though we are open to the public,and helping the Friends of Jefferson Barracks to raise money, this is our event.
Last year we had around 60 re-enactors visit and or stay the night, let's make this Christmas party the best event of the year, this is your event and I hope to see all of you there. The Laborers house will be used as a dinning hall and with period movies and Holiday music and specials as well as for displays and staying overnight, the entire first floor will be open and it is heated, the Barn is aviable for any unit that wishes to set up displays and camp over, the loft is also open. I encourage everyone to bring tents, even if you are not going to camp in them, all Military impressions from 1826 - 1945 and the area around the historic buildings will be avialable for period camps. Any and all military vehicles or crew served weapons would be good to enhance the look of the camps and displays. The Visitor Center restrooms will be open all night and they are heated.
Christmas at the Barracks, Schedual:
4 Dec.: start camp set up, 5 pm.
I will have a key to the barn and things may be stored overnight.
5 Dec.: camp set up, 6am till late evening
Open to public, 12 noon
Re-enactor pot luck dinner, 5:30pm
Uniform and Equipment Demonstration at the Friends of Jefferson Barracks fund raiser dinner, 8:30pm
Dinner gusts visit camp, 9:30pm
Camp closed to public, 10:00pm
Re-enactors are welcome to come and go throught out the day, camping or staying over night in the buildings or tents is open to all re-enactors, camp set-up takes place all day and night.
6 Dec.: Clean-up
To see pictures of last years Christmas at the Barracks, please go to the Photo Gallery button on the left side of this page.