We have had at least 15 battles at this site along the Missouri river and it is known as a good one day battle. This will be a general ETO battle. There are a lot of forest like areas, a creek, some ravines, and several abandoned buildings and old bridges to fight over.
This event will be held regardless of the weather. The 2007 battle went off without a hitch and there was 2" of ice covered snow! The 2008 weather was cool and cloudy with no snow. This year, the weather is looking to be bitter cold. That said, prepare for anything.
There is, as usual, quite a bit of interest in this event and we should have at least 80 attendees. Please arrive on time and be courteous to all staff members and listen to their direction.
There will be a Ranger MP at the gate to direct you to parking and registration; if you are unsure where to go please look for the posted signs or ask any member you see at the location.
If you have any questions about any of the items below please contact our President Kevin Owens: halfhourdoc@aol.com or via cell (314) 960-1611
Participants must be over 18 - if under 18 they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. No exceptions.
The Battle fee is $15. Please have your money in hand when coming up to the gate. No discounts will be issued.
All items must be period correct. That includes your uniform, hair style (field haircuts will be given if necessary), accessories (glasses are the exception), vehicles, weapons, et. al. If you have questions contact Kevin Owens ( e-mail ) and request a review of your questionable item.
Unit leaders must provide an approximate number of attendees to Kevin Owens ( e-mail ) so we know how many to expect.
Schedule and Scenario
This itinerary is subject to change. Please revisit this page often for any changes.
0700 - Gates Open
0700 - 0900 - Registration, safety, authenticity, and hair standards checks. Do not come out if your impression is not correct.
0900 - Formation (Those not ready at the formation time please contact Kevin Owens via his cell to find a place in the battle (314) 960-1611).
1000 - 2300 - This event could go until late, be prepared to stay as long as is necessary. Help cleaning up is appreciated.
The battle consists of one (1) scenario, rolling defenses, objectives to be captured at specific times and places. There will be no break for lunch so grab a partner and have him defend you while you eat and return the favor. You never know when you'll be ambushed. Exact locations for start and finish will be announced at formation. If you've been to the battle before the objective, you'll recall, is to end in the orchard.
To get to the park from highway 270 in North St. Louis County take exit 32, Bellefontaine rd., and go North 4.2 miles to the end of the road. Bellefontaine Road will dead end at the park.
Period correct vehicles are encouraged. Tanks and halftracks are welcome.
In the past a vehicle was not allowed to participate because it was not correct. Make sure your equipment is correct before dragging it out there.
Tax-deductible donation forms will be issued for those who bring their vehicles out. In order to receive your tax-donation form please record the cost of bringing your vehicle to the event, gas, mileage, and any additional costs associated (trailer rental, etc.) Following the event please contact Kevin Owens ( e-mail ) with that information and he will issue the necessary receipt.
Pyro and Weapons
Pyro will be allowed on a case-by-case basis. The safety committee will have the last say and will consider the dryness of the woods and appearance of the device. Their decision is final.
Absolutely no firing of weapons is to occur once the battle is concluded.
Live ammunition is forbidden - without exception.
Camping may be available Friday and Saturday night. Call Kevin Owens at (314) 960-1611 for details and availability. Please bring appropriate gear and supplies for the weather. No camping is permitted without prior approval.
There will be a vendor area set up for sales right after the battle. Please no sales before the battle because it slows things down.
Things to think about:
Bring more water than you think you will need.
Dress for the weather - be it rain, shine, or snow.
Bring extra clothes and blankets should yours become saturated with snow or water.