Welcome to the 3rd Annual Bridge at Remagen in Tidioute,Pa. This year's event will be August 5, 6 and 7th, 2011. Again period morning tactical in over 500 acre period gravel quarry with massive pyro for battle. A thinking tactical not the cowboy and indian stuff your are so always getting or have done in the past.
Then THE BRIDGE, THE BRIDGE AT REMAGEN, AGAIN WITH MASSIVE PYRO. 551 FT Pre WW II Steel Bridge on the Allegheny River. This area has the look and feel of Germany.Public battle street fighting with vehicles,hand to hand combat. This war event is not for the weak of heart lol. Registration opens January 2011. Will be 15.00 per man. Period German civilians are welcome too for city battle. Here is our website
www.remagenbridge.com . This will keep you updated on our event. Only 250 reenactors,about 125 per side. Vehicles are now 10 per side, ones with weapons have preference.
This is not a reenactment but Total War.
Hosted By: 99th Infantry Division Historical Society ,Inc. Erie ,Pa
Event Coordinator, Patrick A. Tarasovitch