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Offline rpetersen01

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pirate research needs
« on: July 27, 2007, 05:26:39 PM »
Yarrr, lookin for some girl pirate info.

I am a teacher in Minnesota looking for information about female pirates, any time period.  I have lots on Anne & Mary, Sadie & Cheng, but not much more.

I am also looking for info on Mississippi and Great Lakes (specifically Superior) piracy.

What I would like is articles, texts and any orignal sources anyone can send on.  I'd like to have this prepared in about 2 months, barring any personal whackiness on my part.  So, time to start with the next stage of researach. 

I had thought some activities in the classroom could be knot tying, flag making and possibly some navigational things.  I will be working with grade 5-12.  yeh, it's a span, so the more activites and projects, the better.  I welcome any ideas and reseach suggestions.  Mostly they will be broken up into 5-8 and 9-12, but some of them will be mixed.  I hope some parents show up too. 

Where can I get a bosun's whistle?  Like about 50 of them?

I'd also like any songs (bawdy, too, as I also work with drunken adults who would find them a hoot), stories, and cheap art projects.  National Geographic also has some really cool stuff, but I need some more.  Here's the link:


Offline Raevon

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Re: pirate research needs
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2007, 08:32:21 PM »
Yarrr, lookin for some girl pirate info.

I am a teacher in Minnesota looking for information about female pirates, any time period.  I have lots on Anne & Mary, Sadie & Cheng, but not much more.

I am also looking for info on Mississippi and Great Lakes (specifically Superior) piracy.

What I would like is articles, texts and any orignal sources anyone can send on.  I'd like to have this prepared in about 2 months, barring any personal whackiness on my part.  So, time to start with the next stage of researach. 

I had thought some activities in the classroom could be knot tying, flag making and possibly some navigational things.  I will be working with grade 5-12.  yeh, it's a span, so the more activites and projects, the better.  I welcome any ideas and reseach suggestions.  Mostly they will be broken up into 5-8 and 9-12, but some of them will be mixed.  I hope some parents show up too. 

Where can I get a bosun's whistle?  Like about 50 of them?

I'd also like any songs (bawdy, too, as I also work with drunken adults who would find them a hoot), stories, and cheap art projects.  National Geographic also has some really cool stuff, but I need some more.  Here's the link:


Good eve Renee!!   I can give yyou some places on the web for female pirates and piracy.  I know there are not many pirates in the Great Lakes area because it is mainly the Carribean that is showcased.  But try these sites:

Most of the women except for Grace O'Malley, who commanded three galleys and 22 men, and Jeanne de Clisson, the 'Lioness of Brittany' and fearsome pirate queen, stalked the English Channel for French ships from 1343 - 1356. Also, Anne Dieu-Le-Veut also called Marie-Anne or Marianne,(born ca 1650), was a French Pirate, a so called Buccaneer, and together with Jaquotte Delahaye one of very few female pirate captains.  Most sailed with the men i.e. Anne Bonney and Mary Read with Calico Jack. 

I hope this helps!!

If you had fought like a man, you need not be hanged like a dog.