Like I said this was my first time line event.....I'm so glad we went .The event was a Free local event sponsored by the 8th grade team of teachers at I C M S and various Living Historians and Regional Reenactment groups....We met Ron Borron and his group of reenactors they had the cannon and told us about "Lore of the Laughery"(Check Our Calender for Info) Their going to have even bigger cannons next weekend....(Oh goody

).We viewed a collection of pre-historic flints,visited with Adam a French fur trader who showed us pelts (our 2 year old loved petting the furry it didn't run away like our cat)strolled past a tipi were Paul Henderson was doing a demo on flint knapping,Met Terry Fishel of the(1757 F&I) 55Th Regular Afoot Light Infantry sporting his Belly box and Brown Bess flintlock .Toured a Civil War encampment and spoke to Pvt John Easley of the 42 Indiana Volunteer Infanty (I.V.I.)Reenactors (who invited my son to the event)We learned about Surgery during the Civil War from Col.Jim O'Moore Medical Inspector First Corp Longstreet Div. A.N.V. (
*who came from OH and would like to see more Hoosiers come to OH events
*) We learned about Civil War money , guns and so many other thing from Virgil Baugher (hope to bump into Mr.Baugher again he had just so much info).We talked with 3 U.S. soldiers(WWII European Theater 1944) Mike O'Moore 82nd Airbourne with his B A R ,Mark Mason and Rich Dewitt I company 1st Infantry 18th regular with Their M1 Grand ,and saw Mr. Lincoln and the Civil War Gov. of Indiana The event itself was small ,but everyone was so friendly .Thank You everyone we talked to yesterday...............
**Please Check out the Photo Gallerys for pics of the event** (If I got anyones name or info wrong please tell me so I can make it right)