Was wondering if anyone in the South Carolina area would be interested in taking part in a campaign style march from the town of Peak, South Carolina, to Jenkinsville, South Carolina. We would be tracing the original route of March of the 2nd Division, 14th Army Corps, through the area and trying to camp on the original grounds when possible. The march would be about 12-15 miles over 2-3 days. Unless you can carry it on your back or in your haversack don't bother bringing it.
Right now we are trying to gauge if others would be interested in doing this event, or if we should just go out and do it on our own. The first year we do this there will be almost no fighting but it will just be a group of Federals marching over the original ground, and then depending upon how well it goes possibly organizing it into something more for the 145th in 2010.
Anyone have any thoughts? Or am I just out of my mind?