Middle Ages / Re: Medieval Pirates
« Last post by Karl Helweg on April 16, 2020, 02:39:21 PM »
John Callis
(also known as John Callice) became a pirate in Britain where the Welsh coastline became his domain.
Born in the 1500’s in Monmouthshire, Callis moved to London when he was young and became a retailer. Soon afterwards, his professional ambitions changed and he joined the Navy. It was in this role that he would first start seizing and selling cargo. As he became more confident in his abilities, his piratical activities escalated.
This sixteenth century Welsh pirate was particularly active in the region of South Wales, between Cardiff and Haverfordwest. He would spend his time selling his stolen cargo in the villages along the way such as Laugharne and Carew.
His piratical career lasted for decades before pressure from neighbouring countries forced to English government to take action and managed to capture him in 1576.
The elderly pirate attempted to assist authorities in tracking down other pirates in exchange for his release, however the authorities refused his offer and he was hanged in Newport later that year.
https://mathewlyons.wordpress.com/2012/01/11/john-callis-pirate-and-the-elizabethan-ambivalence-about-his-trade/ This article gives an interesting account of piracy at the time.