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Author Topic: Battle of North Point, Chesapeake campaign  (Read 6587 times)

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Offline Balaklava

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Battle of North Point, Chesapeake campaign
« on: August 31, 2012, 12:07:14 PM »
Hey Marylanders !!!! Sunday 9-2-12 the annual North Point event will be held at Fort Howard Park at the end of North Point Rd. in Edgemere MD. Event starts at 10 a.m., get there early for parking closer to the event, parking fills up quick. Take 695 on the west side of Baltimore to exit at MD 158. Look for North Point Rd, follow along a couple mile to gates at Fort Howard.

This is the battle where British General Ross, the man who beat the Americans at Bladensburg and who's troops set torches to the White House gets fatally wounded before the battle at North Point is decided.

Me and members of the 2nd Bn Royal Marine Light Infantry, Royal Marine Light Artillery & other British infantry troops will be present trying to get into the west side of Baltimore by foot due to no success with that bombardment thing that didn't quite work for us at Fort McHenry. Baltimore regulars and militia volunteers will certainly try to stop us. See you there ?

Cheers, Johnnie, 2 Bn RMLI / RMLA.
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