The 99th Infantry Division ,393rd Regiment , Easy Co. is based in Erie ,Pennsylvania since 1999. We have members , YES even World War Two Veterans ,all through Northwestern Pa and the Western NY area. We have in our squad at present , a 30 cal MG, bazooka and BAR team. If it is a infantry rifle squad or support impression of a squad we are looking for you. We do only GI or American impressions, no Axis. If you are wanting to be a foot soldier, common GI, we might be the squad for you. Our vehicle roster at present is a 1942 GPW jeep and Korean War Duce. Another member is restoring a 1942 Dodge Weapons Carrier .We have hosted in the past the most heavily defended Dieppe Raid and D-day, Utah Beach reenactment on the Great Lakes in Dunkirk,NY since 2006, a event that is now defunct. Our pride and joy is The Bridge at Remagen Reenactment in Tidioute ,PA along the Allegheny River. With our pre WW II 551ft steel truss bridge and with total town and citizen support, our event is the only one of its kind. We fight as a team and are not into politics .
We have no membership dues , a bi monthly newsletter and general squad meetings.
Come and become a "Common Doggie" in Easy company. Millions of men were common soldiers like us. Today things have changed.
Check out our website for more info on us " Battlebabies".
It is in the link below---
Pat Tarasovitch , Event Coordinator
99th Infantry Division Historical Society Inc. Erie, Pa