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Author Topic: Achtung Rekrut! Join Infanterie Regiment 208  (Read 4543 times)

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Offline Spiess

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Achtung Rekrut! Join Infanterie Regiment 208
« on: August 22, 2012, 03:14:37 PM »
Intanterie Regiment 208 now accepting new rekruts.  We are dedicated to a highly authentic impression of a standard German infantry unit, and we stress maneuver, authentic fieldcraft, and most of all, fun and kameradeschaft.

Our members are from Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina and we are all highly experienced reenactors who recently branched out from other groups in order to establish a fast-paced attack and maneuver group to bring the fight to the enemy.  The bad guys don't always have to lose.  

We are tight-knit group with high standards, particularly in terms of dedication to authenticity and accurate tactical maneuver.  However, we are equally dedicated to keeping things fun and rewarding for our unit members.

If you're looking for a little more excitement and energy in your battle events, please drop us a line.  Grizzled vets more than welcome, and rookies/newbies are particularly encouraged to apply for membership.

Der Spiess