On March 7th, 2009 Members of the Sienkiewicz Society from both coasts and more locally will gather for the largest 17th century battle re-enactment known to be staged in 2009. It will be the Official Remembrance Event of the Ukrainian Government in the USA of the battle of Konotop in 1659. This historic battle has much relevance today for it was when the Ukrainian and Polish Nations (previously at war) stood together to combat the growing threat of Muscovite (Russian) expansionism.
The Event will be held on the grounds of the Four Winds Renaissance Faire (just south of Tyler, TX), where the period Ukrainian Kortchuma (inn) has been built with fortifications that will then fill with half a dozen cannon, matchlock, doglock, and other period arms being fired in salvoes before the climatic clash of steel on steel as sabre smite sabre. This battle will be re-enacted in the European style of "live blade" with exact replicas fought at full speed and un-choreographed by up to 100 people on the field of battle!
Other groups, folks welcome to come provided you are pre registered with us!
More Info please e-mail