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Mail Contractor
About the CMDA
Duties of the
Contract Driver
Contact Page
If you'd like to send us a contractor report now, we'll post it the old-fashioned way... look for a form later this week! Anyway, send your reports as e-mail to: contractorreports

Events Listing

Events? We don't have no stinkin' events... what, are we... having drinks with the Star Route Association now?! Just kidding, look for a weekly on-line chat to start if we can get some interest going.

About us headline

W hat exactly IS the CMDA? The Contract Mail Driver's Association is an organization for drivers who work for contractors to the U.S. Post Office -- the people who actually MOVE the mail.

Why do we have an organization? Because over the years, the contractors have continued to treat the drivers worse and worse. They bid the runs SO cheap, that the only way they can make any money is to take it off the driver's part. Okay, not all of them, but there are som elike that for sure. This isn't right.

The contractors have an organization in the Star Route Association so it is fitting that we should have one of our own. The CMDA's main goal is to help drivers. We're not a union, we're not trying to tell contractors how to run their business -- only in that they need to follwo the rules and pay their drivers correctly and not make them break the law.

We want to not only let drivers know of the things that they should be getting, but also their duties as a contract mail driver. Hauling Mail isn't like hauling freight! Lots of people think it's the same -- they're idiots!

On February 17th, 2003, the Contract Mail Driver's Association (CMDA) was founded! Although we started out pretty small, our goal was (and is) to be a resource for us, the drivers -- the ones who actually MOVE the mail and get the job done.

More Information

Maturate fugam, regique hadicite vestro: non illi imperiumpelagi saevumque tridentem, sedmihi sorte datum. Tenet illeimmania saxa, vestras, Eure tenuitfiducia vestri?

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