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Author Topic: Looking to form a Russian unit in E & N KY  (Read 4629 times)

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Looking to form a Russian unit in E & N KY
« on: April 17, 2009, 12:41:33 AM »

I am looking to form a Russian reenacting unit based in the Eastern and Northern Kentucky area.

Why Russian?

Well, for potential reenactors new to the hobby doing a Russian Impression is not only fun but is also one of the cheapest impressions to do. So if you aren't sure you are wanting to invest heavily in reenacting but would still like to give it a try then a Russian impression might be a good introduction into the hobby.

For those who aren't new to the hobby but might be looking for something new to try, then for the reasons above putting together a Russian impression might be for you as well.

The unit will be a sub-unit of the 95th Rifles/75th Guards Rifles based out of Indianapolis, Indiana. The idea is that the sub-unit will open the door for anyone wishing to join a Russian unit in my area and also have the benefit of having a larger "parent" organization to attend events with. As a sub-unit we will be following their by-laws.

We will be seeking to fulfill four basic objectives.

Teach the public about the Red Army in WWII at living history events.

Expand our own knowledge of the Red Army during WWII so that we may better represent those soldiers and so that we may better provide a source of information to the public.

Take place in tacticals along with the "parent" organization.

Have fun.

Because the Kentucky based unit will be more for members from the local area we will be able to have drill weekends without the need to drive to Indianapolis and will be able to operate as more tightly knit unit during tacticals.

The only criteria is that the sub-unit cannot be officially formed until it reaches at least 5 members.

The unit will initially be representing a squad until membership outgrows it. I am knowledgeable about squad and platoon tactics used by the Red Army in WWII and enjoy sharing that knowledge with those interested. This is a great oppurtunity to learn about a subject to often overlooked by historians.

Other then that.

Membership is open to anyone who is willing to portray an accurate impression of a Red Army Infantryman.

I will be available to help guide new members in getting their impression ready so there is no reason to feel overwhelmed.

My email addresses are

I check my email often, just use the heading "Reenacting" and you will hear from me ASAP.

Reply to the post if you have any questions you would like answered without using the email or you can PM on here.
