3. Kompanie / Infanterieregiment Nr. 63
Das Infanterie Regiment ?Kaiser Karl von Osterreich und Koenig von Ungarn?
(4. Oberschlesisches)
Infanterieregiment Nr. 63 is a vehicle through which committed persons can actively explore the experience of the German Infantryman in WWI. Gathered together in the form of a typical infantry company, we strive to investigate the art of trench warfare. Each member may have different motives, but collectively our goal is the same. We seek to encounter the lessons of the Western Front thus gaining greater insight into ourselves and history.
As members of the IR63 we feel a source of pride in belonging to the oldest and one of the most authentic Central Powers units in the GWA. Our members have a special spirit of fellowship that binds each member to his Brothers-in-Arms and allows him to fully understand the true meaning of the German term "Kameradschaft!"
Please take a look at our website:
Infanterieregiment Nr. 63If you like what you see, please contact me off list for a rekrut package and additional information
FritzHoffmann@IR63.orgGeftr. Fritz Hoffmann (a.k.a. Randall Chapman)
3. Kompanie / Infanterieregiment Nr. 63