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Author Topic: The Gap why is it still going  (Read 18993 times)

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Offline battlebaby4

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The Gap why is it still going
« on: December 20, 2008, 03:33:57 PM »
I thought I'd ask this question here. The 99th did this as our 1st event 10 years ago. We at first were impressed with the base, old buildings, the atmosphere ect.
 The battles were poor, the bus ride was stupid. Try fitting on a seat made for kids in full 1928 haversack and great coats, not fun at all. As always 3 different battles. Paratrooper battle,( why do paratroopers always get thier own battles) armor battle and we are part of the who cares battle for Infantry. We could not work with the tanks but we saw them in the Valley. With that it was the last time we went. The trip for Erie to Annville wasn't worth it.
 Over the years I run into a ton of reenactors that gave up on the Gap or go cause they have to. Am I the only one who hears this?
 Why as reenactors do we keep going to the same broken events year after year only to complain about them and never try or made something different.
 Here is another one. Some reenactors up here went to Reading Airshow. While talking to people, he was told the show would be better if the reenactors didn't show up anymore. With that this unit will not be returning to Reading. We did Reading once and haven't been back yet.
 Have any of you run across this latly ==

« Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 03:37:42 PM by battlebaby4 »
99th Infantry Division, 393rd Regiment, Easy Co. "Battlebabies"

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2008, 12:31:44 AM »
It's because reenactors wish to play and don't give a tinker's damn about standards or how they are treated by event hosts. If I go to an event that they're making money off of, I DAMN-WELL better not be getting charged to attend.

The Gap (or FIG, whichever you call it) is famous for pissing all over it's participants. I haven't been since 1999... and whilst part of that I lived in Cali, I now live an hour away; I still AIN'T goin' -- I am not on the "good" list of Dave "Baby Doc" Shaw and I don't think he wants people like me there. Since he assimilated the Federation that's about the only gig they do. Oh well. Plenty of new, better WWII Orgs out there.
All my opinion! Marsh  0000
Marsh Wise
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Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress... But then I repeat myself.

Offline Antonescu

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2008, 08:11:16 AM »
Oh where to begin! Okay here we go:

1) The battle sucks since the AB just bulldoze through with no hit taking (of course I've seen that on the Axis side also from some units).

2) When I first went over 5 years ago the units that attended were good. Now it seems there are units that are out there that only attend the GAP. Thus authenticity is really down and the units that are great are not that numerous anymore.

3) The fee is outrageous for this event. Flea market has sort of shrunk and is now closed earlier than before. This is the only thing there that makes it worth going or at least it used to be. On top of it you have to pay extra for a meal plan and other things.

4) Atmosphere has changed it seems. When I went it was to recreate an atmosphere and to be with friends. It seems that a units are gearing to a more "party" attitude than before . I'm not saying do alcohol because I drank and had a good time. It's the ones who do not know how to drink responsibly and have a good time that kill it.

5) The same people are always in control so no changes. An event doesn't get better if nothing changes but only worst and yes some say its how you make it but those in charge have a big role in how the event is to most people on the surface.

6) Units that attend are also bothersome. The GAP does not ban units. There are units that attend that have been banned for bad behavior at other events but allowed to attend. I know the Federation investigated one unit due to being contacted as well as several others but nothing was done to our knowledge. There are enough units that stopped going that might come back if they would take a stand against the bad units out there.

7) Treated as money not as an reenactor. So will spend my money at events that are worth going to. Just go up on Saturday as part of the public and visit the flea market since that is what I do now. It's free and no headaches!
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
4th SS Polizei Division
318th, 80th ID AEF

Offline thompsongunner06

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2008, 08:56:58 AM »
Thank you guys for letting us rant here. I did on another "proboard" and was banned. Here goes:

All statements posted above!!
Market use to be even in the parking lot with some huge vans of stuff,Not any more!
Someone is making a lot of money for a terrible event. No changes ever.

Offline Antonescu

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2008, 12:09:58 PM »
Thank you guys for letting us rant here. I did on another "proboard" and was banned. Here goes:

All statements posted above!!
Market use to be even in the parking lot with some huge vans of stuff,Not any more!
Someone is making a lot of money for a terrible event. No changes ever.

The whole point of a forum is to let people know what you think in a civil manner. Just because it's negative doesn't mean it shouldn't be posted. I know the other "Proboard" you are talking about because a lot of stuff about FIG does get deleted. Pass this forum along to others down South and get it going. Just remember to keep it civil though!
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
4th SS Polizei Division
318th, 80th ID AEF

Offline Thor

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2008, 03:37:15 PM »
In my opinion, FIG is what you make of it.  I have been going for the past 3 years now and have had a blast every time.  I do not, however, participate in the tactical.  Some of the more experienced hands in my unit have echoed many of the statements made here about the tactical, and that is enough for me not to go out for it.  For me, FIG is a time to get together with good friends for some kameradschaft.  That is what I go there for and I am not disappointed.

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2008, 07:44:21 PM »
I've never been, and have only been reenacting for a little over a year. But even so, I have heard that the battles are very scripted. I've had a battle that was very scripted, and it was no fun for me. I have a lot of fun using tactics, not being told to die at a certain point.

Offline Antonescu

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2009, 04:58:25 PM »
In my opinion, FIG is what you make of it.  I have been going for the past 3 years now and have had a blast every time.  I do not, however, participate in the tactical.  Some of the more experienced hands in my unit have echoed many of the statements made here about the tactical, and that is enough for me not to go out for it.  For me, FIG is a time to get together with good friends for some kameradschaft.  That is what I go there for and I am not disappointed.

A part of it is what you make of it while the other is what those who host the event do. Haven't been for 3 years and do not plan to go back for several reasons.

1) Quality has downgraded amongst behavior of some units.
2) The cost is way too high for what you get.
3) Tactical was a joke when I went out for 3 years. Never met so many bulletproof reenactors in my life.
4) Flea market hours have shortened over the years and well as the number that attended.

FIG is a good place to meet those you haven't seen in a while though but if you want to save some money and live a couple of hours from it just go up on Saturday and pay nothing.
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
4th SS Polizei Division
318th, 80th ID AEF

Offline prgeyer

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2009, 05:24:59 PM »
I've been 3 times, and will be going for my 4th this year.  I have never gone on the tactical.  My first 3 times going have been for unit "reunions" for retired and current members.  This year, I'm falling in with a different unit that uses it solely as a training event.  I have lately enjoyed the Axis cafe, and my British unit will be wearing our alternate Axis uniforms to attend this year.  That is a nice recent attempt to improve the experience for attendees.  The flea market is also still a pretty good place to find things you can't find elsewhere - although I'm going to cry when I pass Lost Battalion's old building and they're not there.

I think it's a mistake to see the Gap as a reenactment.  I tend to look at the Gap as being like a national WW2 reenactor convention.  As with any professional convention, very little real "work" gets done there.  Instead, it's a place to network, do some shopping, have a few drinks with old friends, and for sub-organizations to have a central forum to meet and take care of business that can't take place in cyberspace or over the phone.  If you think the Gap is expensive, believe me, you don't want to know what it costs to attend other conventions (entrance, hotel, food, entertainment, etc.). 
« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 01:35:39 PM by prgeyer »
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Offline Chris Pittman

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2009, 01:26:59 PM »
I look forward to the Gap very much and always have a great time. This will be my ninth Gap and I wouldn't miss it for anything. I head down on Tuesday morning and make a week of it. I don't think $50 is outrageous for 5 nights in a heated barracks with hot water and 4 days of flea market, what a deal! I love the flea market and can't imagine how the hours could be better, it is open from until midnight(!) on Thursday and Friday and opens before noon on Friday and Saturday. Almost all the major vendors are there from across the country. The battles are a horrible farce plagued by bulletproof farbs but my unit has not participated in the tactical for about 5 years, we focus on living history and an authentic barracks impression. The Axis cafe is a lot of fun, I also like to visit with other units with authentic barracks to sing and share some Kameradschaft. There are usually plenty of veterans as well who are happy to share stories. The barracks are great for classroom training, the paved roads well-suited for marching and drill. This year my unit is working with other Heer units to have an all-Heer barracks where we will eat from the field kitchen together and enjoy realistic barracks routine. There are farbs and immature jerks even at exclusive invite-only events I have attended, not just the Gap. I firmly believe that the event is what you make of it.

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2009, 11:05:41 AM »
i have been going to this gap event for about 12 years now and the rapid decline of this event is turning me off . i mean what a cluster @#$% , how many officers are there ? as in my day to day all chiefs no Indians lol some guy actually screamed at me for not saluting . my old arm was tooooooo tired , give it a rest , and stay home lookin in the mirror saluting yourself if thats what you need to get off loser! well other then that the gap this year was ok for me didnt leave the barracks much , bought some cool stuff and ran into friends i dont get to see that much . wish they where a little more selective with the FARB units but $ is all they really want . oh ya thanks to the federation for giving us the whole day friday to relax , bulge in the snow ya dont want to slip on the ice, imagine if they didnt let us out saturday .......REFUNDS   ;D i think not !

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2009, 11:23:17 AM »
A refund? From Dave "Baby Doc" Shaw, Federation-President-for-life? (\:=) Puhleeese... that might cut into Dave's profits and his ability to live throughout the next year. I'm sorry, but I haven't went since '99 (part of which I was in Cali)... I've lived in PA an hour or so away now for 3 years and I see no reason to go except for the flea market and parties.

Also, as has already been said, the battles suck shite and the authenticity bar is so low that 10 year old kids playing Sgt. Rock could pass... oh wait, I've SEEN 10 year old kids in the field at the GAP 0| I can actually remember when the Federation was an organization answerable to the membership, something that ended so Dave could continue as Federation-President-for-life; his original elevation was as a re-builder after a couple of scumbags had robbed the Federation if I remember. Oh well, no one will listen to me, but there's a reason Bob Lawrence's FIG II is SO popular... and my, it's an invite and doesn't allow farbs and bad units.

It's sad because FIG used to be cool. The battles have deteriorated even further from what they were when I went (running to the sound of the fire). The flea market was especially cool, until they decided to get restrictive and try and hose the vendors. Oh well... who am I? Just someone who won't go to this event. |0|
Marsh Wise
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Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress... But then I repeat myself.

Offline battlebaby4

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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2009, 09:31:47 PM »
I am glad to see I and the "Battlebabies" arn't the only ones who feel the same about the Gap.
 We have had far better times heading West to Indiana,  Camp Atterbury was a good event. At least the National Guard help truck us to the field. Our convoy was massive with WW II and more modern NG duces. The sunrise above the convoy was impressive. If I find thoses photos will post them here.
 Why can't the PA Guard use their trucks instead of yellow buses?
 It was great to fight with the armor and vehicles instead of at the Gap . I would not pay all that money just to hang out there for the weekend and not do a battle.
 One day there will be another reenactment. I too agree with WW II units who only show up for this event,why. What do they do after the Gap is over?

Thanks--  Pat
99th Infantry Division, 393rd Regiment, Easy Co. "Battlebabies"


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Re: The Gap why is it still going
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2009, 08:16:30 AM »

 You guys said it all .the Gap is like watching paint dry .I Have been reenacting for 20 years. There was plenty of action
in early years. everyone had great attitude .about the hobby now it has been getting like the army .The complaint i have about the gap and every event . the new guys that are coming in are becoming nitpickers and fighting behavior problems .Pissing games  and so forth. something has to been do with new guys .I'm done with the gap
going to new they let the out of shape guys climb steep hills For Nothing  ..You hang around in cold for nothing.. when there time to  fall back like the army....Im thinking about the gap 2.. does anybody know anything about it is ? worth it .when you have reported somebody when thing get out of hand.does the federation do anything ?Or does it just get shelfed    >:( oo-P Like a reply