Awesome... too bad you didn't have that FFI stuff. The photos I saw of the FFI looked good! Sometimes the resistance/partisans don't do it justice.
No, I was asking YOU if you had European civilian wardrobe. You have a little, if you're doing FFI, although that's "working" clothes

I have a start myself, but need to shop around for some really good stuff still.
By the way, I saw these stats on Rockford:
740 - Number of registered re-enactors as of Sunday's close (Hands
down the largest WWII event in Midwest and placing either second or
third in U.S. behind Ft. Indian Town Gap, Penn.)
5,919 - total paid public attendance (a record weekend for Midway
470 - Number of HRS members attending the event
270 - Number of non-HRS members attending (about 60 percent were
TSG, rest from other societies)
232 - Number of re-enactors who traveled more than 5 hours or more
to attend the event
Re-enactors came from: Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio,
Kentucky, Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado, New York, Texas, Virginia,
Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Massacussets, Kansas, Rhode Island,
Maryland, Iowa, Florida, and Ontario Canada. The furtherest person
traveled from Crakow, Poland.
7 - Number of injuries, all minor, mostly cuts from preparing dinners
0 - number of accidents and injuries from re-enacting
1 - Traffic violation (speeding through camps and village)
Awesome!!! It's becoming quite the event... I didn't realize it was that much bigger than Lowell!