Event Name: Transylvania: 1944-1945
Event Date: September 12th-14th, 2008
Event Location: Newville, PA
Event Fee: $30
Hosting Unit: WWIILHA
Event Type/Description: Late 1944, Romania has joined the Allies and along with the Soviet Union is pushing into Hungarian occupied Transylvania. Germany and her last true ally Hungary must hold the last natural defensive barrier in the region.
Units have been invited to attend but some units were unable to be reached. If your unit would like to seek permission to attend (Soviets and their Allies in the Balkans) email the WWIILHA at romania@wwiilha.com with the following information: Unit name, 1 point of contact, list of previous events attended, number of members and unit CO. German units have already received their invitations to event. Red Army units and GWA members who have WWII Soviet or Soviet Ally impressions please contact the WWIILHA on attending the event.
Event Contact: WWIILHA
Event Contact Email: romania@wwiilha.com
Event Website: N/A
Note: Authenticity will be enforced. Water, port-o-johns and firewood will be provided