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Offline Antonescu

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early war events
« on: March 02, 2008, 07:34:01 PM »
I know about the 1940 event in VA but are there any other 1940 events held along the East Coast?
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
4th SS Polizei Division
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Offline battlebaby4

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Re: early war events
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2008, 12:59:38 PM »
The Dieppe Raid event in Dunkirk ,NY is somewhat early war being 1942. Not too many early war events I can think of.

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Re: early war events
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2008, 12:59:38 PM »
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Re: early war events
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2008, 06:57:23 AM »
The Dieppe Raid event in Dunkirk ,NY is somewhat early war being 1942. Not too many early war events I can think of.



This is early yes but heard that Dunkirk is no more, why? Would like to see more France 1940 and even Belgium and Netherlands. We are all stuck on Normandy 44- Germany 45. Getting old fighting the Amis (especially the AB 99% of the time).
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
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Re: early war events
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2008, 03:21:58 PM »
Oh sweet mercy, Rob, I wish there were some more early war events in the east.  Whenever I market my early war German unit (IR104, by the way) as the only purely 1940 unit (yes, I know there are other units out there that do 1940 in addition to their usual late war stuff) I always get e-mails back from guys saying that their units can do 1940.  But my response is always, "Okay.  When?"

By my own informal count, there are about 4-5 German units, 1-2 British units, and 1-2 French units on the east coast who tell me they do 1940.  But what does that mean when there are almost no actual 1940 events going on?

« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 09:26:29 AM by prgeyer »
IR63 (WW1)
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Re: early war events
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2008, 06:08:35 AM »
Oh sweet mercy, Rob, I wish there were some more early war events in the east.  Whenever I market my early war German unit (IR104, by the way) as the only purely 1940 unit (yes, I know there are other units out there that do 1940 in addition to their usual late war stuff) I always get e-mails back from guys saying that their units can do 1940.  But my response is always, "Okay.  When?"

By my own informal count, there are about 4-5 German units, 1-2 British units, and 1-2 French units on the east coast who tell me they do 1940.  But what does that mean when there are almost no actual 1940 events going on?



Have you guys thought about doing a 1940 event yourselves? Sometimes it takes more than just on unit to move things along. The 1940 site lists 3 German units, 3 French units, 5 British units and 1 Belgium unit. Why can't they get this moving along past the one event that is invite only? It seems with only the one tactical (invite only) isn't enough to get the time period moving along.
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
4th SS Polizei Division
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Re: early war events
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2008, 09:17:23 AM »
Hey Rob,

I agree with you.  I've been reluctant to run an event for various personal reasons.  But I think that if a German unit can coordinate with a French or British unit to form a team to put on an event, we could get some enthusiasm for 1940 going.  We can talk off-line about this if you like.  I'm going to be meeting up with a guy in a couple of weeks who has also expressed interest in a 1940 event from the Allied side.
IR63 (WW1)
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Re: early war events
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2008, 05:55:19 PM »
Hey Rob,

I agree with you.  I've been reluctant to run an event for various personal reasons.  But I think that if a German unit can coordinate with a French or British unit to form a team to put on an event, we could get some enthusiasm for 1940 going.  We can talk off-line about this if you like.  I'm going to be meeting up with a guy in a couple of weeks who has also expressed interest in a 1940 event from the Allied side.

Would have to know where there are 1940 units state wise so that would be beneficial to location for an event. Any idea on how many would be interested is attending?
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
4th SS Polizei Division
318th, 80th ID AEF

Offline tleve

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Re: early war events
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2008, 01:05:27 PM »
hi guys ,

i know that our group would love to do a 1940 event. right now they are doing later war unit because they couldn't find units to do early stuff. count us in if you are planning an event and we will try to get there.

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Re: early war events
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2008, 01:57:53 PM »
Hey tleve, what does your group portray?  Where are you? 
IR63 (WW1)
IR104 (WW2)
16 Dywizja Piechoty (WW2)
2nd Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment (WW2)
9th Infantry Division 34th Regiment Constanta (WW2)

Offline Antonescu

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Re: early war events
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2009, 10:38:11 PM »
Well the AAR on another forum dealing with the 1940 event got shut down. Guess its best to pick it up here to discuss on how to further the 1940 aspect of the hobby.

It is known the VA event is an invite only event to keep it equal in numbers as best as possible plus the host owns the property. Now it came up when asked about SS attending that only Heer were allowed due to the SS not being there in large numbers (a member of an SS unit asked about SS attending). Another person said no to early war FJ which is understandable since mostly in Belgium and the Netherlands. Another unit asked to attend but were told no (later war was SS and early war Polizei). Another post in the thread said to put on the Heer poster impression which I pointed out one unit had it but due to administration purposes wore the sleeve eagle (though mentioned the breast eagle was worn as well). In the same thread it was mentioned that 1940 is growing which leads me to this dilema.

How can it grow when only certain units are allowed to attend and only one known event?

Seems that for one unit there is a misconception on what they were in 1940. Understand that the Allies might be low but there is not real location with their unit sites stating they do 1940 to get more involved. 2 Brits, 2 French and maybe a Belgian unit? No one knows how to even get a hold of a Belgian unit! 3-4 German units only but cold be 1-2 more I am sure (1 with only 6 members which would most likely tip the scales majorly. Maybe inviting one unit per year to get new people involved would be a start at least.

Now for the events. How can it grow with only 1 event that allows only the same units to attend? Does anyone else see a problem with only having 1 event? Another thing of no exposure that hurts. By not having more than one event would seem to be a waste of money to some people who might like to go more than once. Asked to do a 1940 event in the future but why? Seems the Allies are low in numbers (and some actually go as German instead which defeats the purpose if enough do German already). After being told no then moving ahead and doing a 1940 event wouldn't you be worried that the person you told no might do it to you or the next time they will turn down the invitation?

See the other side but not a good way to get it going if you ask me.
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
4th SS Polizei Division
318th, 80th ID AEF

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Re: early war events
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2009, 08:38:05 AM »
Ahhh, but it's THEIR event. They don't want SS or FJ... that's THEIR choice isn't it? They also don't allow Russians or Americans either, but I don't see you complaining about that.

Rob, if you want to go, see if you can go w/ a unit that's going. What they do is a special thing and they don't wish to open it up to other units or groups. Maybe you need to just find one of the units who DO get invited, get them to let you go out w/ them and THEN see if you can get invited by your good conduct.

And I guess, if it's really so onerous, put on your own early-war WWII event -- then you can invite who you want.
Marsh Wise
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Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress... But then I repeat myself.

Offline Antonescu

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Re: early war events
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2009, 08:06:16 PM »
Ahhh, but it's THEIR event. They don't want SS or FJ... that's THEIR choice isn't it? They also don't allow Russians or Americans either, but I don't see you complaining about that.
France 1940 so doubt if Russians or Americans would be there as well as the FJs (which I can see due to being in Belgium and the Netherlands)

Rob, if you want to go, see if you can go w/ a unit that's going. What they do is a special thing and they don't wish to open it up to other units or groups. Maybe you need to just find one of the units who DO get invited, get them to let you go out w/ them and THEN see if you can get invited by your good conduct.
Easier said then done due to the low number of units that go to it. Here is what I have found and only three have site links:
1940 sanctioned units:
German: IR 226, 11th Panzer, 179 Artillery Regiment.
French: 92 RI, 137 RI, 213 RI.
BEF: Queen's Rgmt, KORR, Green Howards.
Belgian: 3 IR. 
Besides it would look weird to have all like a Heer unit except for a sleeve eagle and Polizei decal on helmet. Like I said maybe invite one new unit per year and advertise the Allied 1940 units out the butt to get them known. Besides Peter there is no one I really know who attends the 1940 event regularly.

And I guess, if it's really so onerous, put on your own early-war WWII event -- then you can invite who you want.
A vast majority have no idea on the difficulty of this and how few appreciate the work that goes into it (well the ones we hosted most said thank you). The location is one people have to find and wasn't 1940 a fast and mobile campaign? Next is the units. From what I understand the Allies are short again (Those who do regular Brit should also have an early and late war impression since they are in the war since 1939) and the Germans usually have the numbers (again go to advertising the units). By now the 1940 branch should have expanded to at least two events a year like we do in WWI wouldn't you think? I have an idea for two locations but what units would come due to the low number who are listed?
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
4th SS Polizei Division
318th, 80th ID AEF

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Re: early war events
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2009, 11:10:40 PM »
Ahhh, but it's THEIR event. They don't want SS or FJ... that's THEIR choice isn't it? They also don't allow Russians or Americans either, but I don't see you complaining about that.
France 1940 so doubt if Russians or Americans would be there as well as the FJs (which I can see due to being in Belgium and the Netherlands)
I was being smart :P

Rob, if you want to go, see if you can go w/ a unit that's going. What they do is a special thing and they don't wish to open it up to other units or groups. Maybe you need to just find one of the units who DO get invited, get them to let you go out w/ them and THEN see if you can get invited by your good conduct.
Easier said then done due to the low number of units that go to it. Here is what I have found and only three have site links:
1940 sanctioned units:
  • German: IR 226, 11th Panzer, 179 Artillery Regiment.
  • French: 92 RI, 137 RI, 213 RI.
  • BEF: Queen's Rgmt, KORR, Green Howards.
  • Belgian: 3 IR.[/color]

Besides it would look weird to have all like a Heer unit except for a sleeve eagle and Polizei decal on helmet. Like I said maybe invite one new unit per year and advertise the Allied 1940 units out the butt to get them known. Besides Peter there is no one I really know who attends the 1940 event regularly.[/color]
Okay, so why not ask IR226 to go out with? Go out, meet the people. Crawl before you walk, then when you can walk, you can learn to run.

And I guess, if it's really so onerous, put on your own early-war WWII event -- then you can invite who you want.
A vast majority have no idea on the difficulty of this and how few appreciate the work that goes into it (well the ones we hosted most said thank you). The location is one people have to find and wasn't 1940 a fast and mobile campaign? Next is the units. From what I understand the Allies are short again (Those who do regular Brit should also have an early and late war impression since they are in the war since 1939) and the Germans usually have the numbers (again go to advertising the units). By now the 1940 branch should have expanded to at least two events a year like we do in WWI wouldn't you think? I have an idea for two locations but what units would come due to the low number who are listed?
I know for a fact they started out small. Brett struggled for YEARS to get people to recognize his impression. 0| Think on how many ignoramuses make jokes about the French and especially WWII French >:( If you want it, build it and they will come. You have to start. You aren't going to change them, but if you build your own pre-1940 event, then you'll have helped the hobby. And... BTW, I DO know how much work it is. Why do you think you don't see "reenactor.Net Reenactments."?!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 11:12:38 PM by Sturmkatze »
Marsh Wise
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Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress... But then I repeat myself.

Offline prgeyer

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Re: early war events
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2009, 11:49:19 AM »
I can't speak for Brett, but I suspect that the same units go to his event because they're units that he knows and trusts.  More power to him, I say.  I fall in with IR226, even though they're not my home unit.  They're a great bunch of guys, and have always been very welcoming.

That having been said, there are actually a fair number of guys I know who do 1940 BEF.  They're just very loosely organized.  I'm with a group of about 6 guys total who do this impression (we won best modern era impression at MTA 2009), and I know of about 3-4 others on the east coast who can also do it, and probably another half dozen or so more guys in the Midwest who might be willing to travel if asked. None of us have websites or any other way of telling the world we exist other than through word of mouth.  The trick is getting all of these guys together in the same place at the same time.  Same goes for the French. 

Another trick is that some guys who do 1940 do multiple 1940 impressions, so they may be double counted in any census of guys who have 1940 impressions.  A friend of mine and I both do 1940 British and German.  I know another guy who does 1940 British and French.  Another does 1940 Belgian and British.  Etc.  So, on paper, it looks like there are pretty good numbers for 1940, but maybe they're not as good as they look, yet. . .

I do like Rob's idea of posing this as a GWA-like time period.  There are hundreds of guys who put together extensive WW1 impressions despite there only being two events per year.  More than that, people are willing to travel from around the country, and sometimes the world, to participate.  I rarely hear guys complaining that putting together a WW1 impression isn't worth doing because there are only a couple of events per year.  People being unwilling to put together an impression because they can only use it once or twice a year just indicates to me that they don't care about the impression in the first place.

Finally, as if this note isn't long or random enough already, we have to be careful in asserting that anybody who can do late war German or British can do early war German or British.  Having done early and late war for both, if you want to do them right, early war is an almost completely different impression.  All too many people think that doing 1940 German just means wearing an M36 bluse.  Similarly, too many people think that doing 1940 British means wearing P37 battledress and a respirator bag.  While that's at least a step in the right direction, almost everything worn by soldiers on both sides changed between 1940 and 1944.  I could write a dissertation on the differences in impressions for both countries.  Then, of course, you have the French and Belgian impressions that all but disappeared after June 1940.  These are all wonderfully enriching and enjoyable impressions to put together.  Unfortunately, most people don't know what they're getting into when they try to put them together - assuming they want to do it correctly.
IR63 (WW1)
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Offline Antonescu

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Re: early war events
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2009, 08:14:23 PM »

Agree, maybe if the period takes on a more GWA type of event schedule this would also be a benefit. Another item is the website. Maybe a new page that has the following for the event:

Whats New Page: Change to schedule of events page and list the dates if going to do two a year. Right now has the date (site also has calendar page) and sanctioned units.

1940 units page: Here get all the links for the units that do 1940.

Combine the photos into 1 album

Contact US/  Related Links page: Put the contact info on the main page instead, create a seperate page for vendors on where to get gear, and put the units onto a seperate 1940 units page

Since it is an invite only event, the founders should come up with a system to allow new units to join. So what if you get the impression right as a unit, learn what is needed for 1940 if you can not go and relive it?
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
4th SS Polizei Division
318th, 80th ID AEF

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Re: early war events
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2009, 08:14:23 PM »
Lost Battalions (P)