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Author Topic: Winchester M2 Carbine being raffled...  (Read 11990 times)

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Winchester M2 Carbine being raffled...
« on: July 08, 2009, 10:22:01 AM »

The Idaho Automatic Weapons Collectors' Association is holding their 11th annual Title II raffle.
This year's gun is a fully functional Winchester M2 Carbine, complete with buttstock pouch, sling, flash hider, recoil reducer, and 4 magazines. IAWCA pays the transfer tax.
Only 600 tickets will be sold. The drawing will take place as soon as all the tickets have been sold.


2009 Drawing


Note: This weapon is a fully functional genuine machine gun, and is legal for most American citizens to own.

Check your state and local laws. All NFA rules apply.

M2 Carbine
Ticket Price: $25.00


This is an authentic Curio & Relic Winchester overstamp M2. Complete with four magazines,
buttstock mag pouch, M3 flash hider, M1 recoil check, correct sling,

and 1968 BATF Amnesty papers.


IAWCA pays the transfer tax.


Only 600 tickets will be sold. Drawing will be held as soon as all tickets have been sold. Winner must be 21
years of age, and must comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws. All NFA rules apply.


For more information, contact:                       

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This offer void where prohibited by law_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Fill out and mail to(include a SASE if you would like your ticket stub mailed to you):

        I.A.W.C.A.  Drawing_ ___________________________Make checks payable to:
        P.O.  Box 7741______________________________2009 IAWCA Drawing
        Boise, ID 83707- 1741

        I would like to purchase ________ tickets @ $25 each.  Amount enclosed $_________

        EVENING PHONE   (________)_____________________________________________________

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Winchester M2 Carbine being raffled...
« on: July 08, 2009, 10:22:01 AM »
Lost Battalions (P)