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    • Operation Market Garden Event
West Overton Museums Presents:

Operation Market Garden
65th Anniversary Reenactment and Memorial Weekend
September 18-20

Located at West Overton Museums, on Route 819 one mile south off Scottdale exit on Route 119.

This event used to be a generic event, but due to the Dutch and German ancestry of the people who built this village, it has a very Holland-ish feel to it. So we have decided to use this to our benefit and have an Operation Market Garden event. Considering that it is the 65th anniversary of the battles, this is a great opportunity to come out and honor the men who made the ultimate sacrifice.

We have two barns to use for Headquarters/MG nests/Field hospitals, a Homestead with surrounding buildings for cover and concealment, a string of multiple houses to utilize, and adequate field space for campsites, battles and vehicles. Vehicles are authorized and encouraged (Including tracked). We will be building entrenchments, road signs, and other ?props? to enhance the experience for the reenactor. We are also in the process of having some Dutch civilians to add to the entire event.

Impressions should be of units involved within Operation Market Garden. List your impressions on the registration form, and if you have multiple impressions that can be used please list them and bring them with you. We are doing this so that the sides can be even during battles and for us to better plan the fights. We will not turn people away from the event, but if you show up as Imperial Japanese Army, we will ask you to set up a display but you will not take part in the reenactment. We want bivouacs to be authentic and it is possible that barn space will be available for quarters.

Our battle scenario is to simulate airborne drops in the fields north-east of the site and move forward to occupy the homestead and surrounding village. Unfortunately this is no bridge to ultimately try to capture, but I feel that once people see the site they will be quite excited with the AO. The specifics will come together as numbers make themselves known.

There will be a pre-planned battle on Saturday and Sunday. There will also be a tactical Saturday night, if there is interest from reenactors. The Saturday and Sunday Battles will be spectator viewed, but Saturday evening?s tactical will not.

 Check out the West Overton website at or look us up on Facebook for pictures of the site.

Pre-registration forms will be made available on the West Overton website for reenactors to fill out and send it. They will be in PDF and Word Format. Forms can be mailed, e-mailed, or faxed to us. . I will also post a registration form copy on this forum for reenactors to copy and paste and print out and send themselves Registration Fee will be $15 per reenactor. There will be food and drinks sold on site, but reenactors are encouraged to bring period rations.

Any questions feel free to call me, 724-787-6238 or email me at We are looking to make this battle an annual thing and have it grow into a great battle for reenactors and the public. I will post details and news as they come up! Hope to see you at West Overton in September!

Here is site address and fax numbers for registration.

Fax: 724-887-5010

Our Mailing Address:
West Overton Museums
West Overton Village
Scottdale, PA 15683

Our Physical Address:
West Overton Museums
109 West Overton Rd
Scottdale, PA 15683

West Overton Village is located on Route 819 between the communities of Scottdale and Mount Pleasant. We are 1.5 miles off the Scottdale exit of Route 119.
Richard Johnson
Event Coordinator
65th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden
Reenactment and Memorial Weekend at
West Overton Museums

Offline westovertonrs

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    • Operation Market Garden Event
Re: Operation Market Garden at West Overton Museums, Scottdale PA
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 08:26:05 PM »

The event is coming along very nicely. We have got a lot of interested units and numbers are growing fast. We are doing site prep and will be posting pictures of all buildings and the battlefields on Facebook (look us up as West Overton Museums) and the website. Here are the Pre-Registration forms for people to complete. All contact info is on there along with the $15 fee. All water and firewood is provided along with space to set up period campsites. Billeting will be available but is very limited and will be set up on a first come first serve basis. The Germans will have more than Allied forces due to them being "dug in" around the Barns and Homestead. There will be some for Allied Forces on the opposite side of the site.
There will be rations provided. The scenario is set up that the farms would have been fully stocked, thus rations will be Dutch Farm 1940s. Things such as Slab bacon, eggs, get the point. Hopefully this will add to the realism for the reenactor. There will be two public battles, one Saturday and one Sunday. Scenarios will be posted in October once we get more of an idea of numbers. There will also be a non-public tactical on Saturday evening that will involve a "Capture & Hold" scenario that will hopefully allow all reenactors to really enjoy the grounds we have.
Any questions feel free to call or email me at or 724-787-6238. I hope we can truly make this event a premier mid-Atlantic event.

Rich Johnson
Event Coordinator
Richard Johnson
Event Coordinator
65th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden
Reenactment and Memorial Weekend at
West Overton Museums

Offline westovertonrs

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    • Operation Market Garden Event
Re: Operation Market Garden at West Overton Museums, Scottdale PA
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 08:26:42 PM »
West Overton Museums Presents:

Operation Market Garden
65th Anniversary Reenactment and Memorial Weekend
September 18-20, 2009.

Pre-Registration Forms

Release agreement, Waiver & Registration Form

Assumption of Risk. As a participant in this event, I freely engage in this hazardous activity for my own recreation. I am aware that I will traverse difficult and dangerous terrain and obstacles and that other around me will use firearms and weapons, explosive materials and devices, and I will ride in hazardous transportation. I am fully aware of these risks and hazards and I voluntarily assume all risk of damage, loss or injury I may sustain while participating in this event. I state that I am in good health and physically fit to engage in this activity, and I have no medical condition which would foreseeably jeopardize my safety during such participation or be aggravated by such participation. Release from Liability. In consideration for my being allowed to participate in this event, I agree to exempt and release forever, all personnel and officers, and members of West Overton Museums and West Overton Reenactor Society from any liability, claims, demands or actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to me or my personal property arising out of my participation in this event whether such loss, damage or injury results from the negligence of West Overton Reenactor Society, their personnel, officers, members or agents, or from some other cause. I also agree to exempt and release forever, West Overton Museums whether acting officially or not, for any liability, claims, demands or actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to me or my
personal property arising out of my participation in this event whether such loss, damage or injury results from the negligence of the land owner or from some other cause.

Indemnification. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify the West Overton Reenactor Society and West Overton Museums against any claim or suit (including attorney?s fees, costs and expanses) arising out of my participation in this event.

I certify that I am eighteen (18) years of age, not a convicted felon and that signing this
document; I have read the above terms, understood them and voluntarily agree to them.

Participant Name (print)____________________________________________________




Emergency Phone and name of person to Contact_________________________________________________________________




Static Displays:___________________________________________________________

Unit Affiliation:_____________________________________________                   ____

Estimated Arrival Time:_________________________________________                    _

Special Concerns or Needs:_________________________________________________


_________________________________________              __________
Signature                      Date

Please be prepared for inclement weather and pack appropriately. There are indoor areas available for static displays. Please contact Rich Johnson (724-787-6238 and let him know before the event.
Vehicles are not required to be static display only. If you want to use the vehicles for battles/tactical then you are welcome and encouraged to do so.


Billeting is on a first come first serve basis, and is very limited. All units should prepare to bring tentage. Sites, firewood and water will be provided. No modern camping on site. If individuals need to have modern camping or hotel reservations they must do so on their own accord.

NO live ammunition allowed at this event. If you think it could be a problem, ask first or don't bring it. Think safety first.

THERE IS NO TOLERANCE of unruly or uncooperative behavior. The West Overton Museums, West Overton Reenactor Society and the event staff reserve the right to have unruly or uncooperative individuals escorted from the encampment. Think Safety first. No Alcohol Allowed and Underage Drinking will be strictly enforced. 

On Saturday night there will be a Twilight Tactical for the reenactors. Safety will be paramount for this battle; if it becomes a concern the tactical will be cancelled.

Event Coordinator:
Richard  Johnson
(724) 787-6238


Please send in this form and the event Fee of $15.00 before September 10, 2009.
Please make checks payable to ?West Overton Museums.? Send the registration form and payment to:

West Overton Museums
West Overton Village
Scottdale, PA 15683

Fax: 724-887-5010 (if you do it this way, we still need the check sent by mail)

Email: (if you do it this way, we still need the check sent by mail)

Walk-On Registration will be allowed. Fees will be $20 and all Must Bring Tentage.
Richard Johnson
Event Coordinator
65th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden
Reenactment and Memorial Weekend at
West Overton Museums

Offline westovertonrs

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    • Operation Market Garden Event
Re: Operation Market Garden at West Overton Museums, Scottdale PA
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2009, 08:27:24 PM »
Here is the site Website
Richard Johnson
Event Coordinator
65th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden
Reenactment and Memorial Weekend at
West Overton Museums

Offline westovertonrs

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    • Operation Market Garden Event
Re: Operation Market Garden at West Overton Museums, Scottdale PA
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2009, 02:26:50 PM »
The website will finally be updated tonight. (BEST TO CHECK TOMORROW MORNING) Again sorry about this, I do not control the webmaster for the museum so I am on her schedule. I saw a preview of it today and it looks great. Registration Forms are coming in and we are finalizing plans for a Memorial Dinner on Friday night. If anyone would like to come, mark it in your registration packet. It will be free to registered reenactors and will feature some guest speakers. Attendence for Reenactors is not mandatory. There are site pictures up on facebook with descriptions and more will be posted. Look up West Overton Museums on Facebook to check them out. Any questions, as always feel free to call or email me directly. Everything is falling in nicely and we are beginning to get excited about this event.

Hope to see you here
Rich Johnson
Event Coordinator
Richard Johnson
Event Coordinator
65th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden
Reenactment and Memorial Weekend at
West Overton Museums

Offline westovertonrs

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    • Operation Market Garden Event
Re: Operation Market Garden at West Overton Museums, Scottdale PA
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2009, 08:40:18 PM »

The long awaited website is finally up. Check it out and get in the registration forms!
Richard Johnson
Event Coordinator
65th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden
Reenactment and Memorial Weekend at
West Overton Museums

Offline westovertonrs

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    • Operation Market Garden Event
Re: Operation Market Garden at West Overton Museums, Scottdale PA
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2009, 03:39:35 PM »
We have now made space available for vendors. If you are a vendor or know of a vendor who may be interested in attending our event please email me for registration forms or more information.

We are also putting more effort into our Memorial Dinner on Friday to support local World War II Vets. If you want to be apart of it or help in any way contact me via email or phone 724-887-7910. We are looking for guest speakers, volunteers, color guard, and also suggestions.


Rich Johnson
Event Coordinator
65th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden
West Overton Musuems
Scottdale, PA
Richard Johnson
Event Coordinator
65th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden
Reenactment and Memorial Weekend at
West Overton Museums

Offline westovertonrs

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    • Operation Market Garden Event
Re: Operation Market Garden at West Overton Museums, Scottdale PA
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2009, 04:30:46 PM »

We have taken event conflicts into consideration and are deciding on a later weekend next year so there is no conflict with Odessa and Ikes Farm. We want to have as many reenactors as possible to come and experience this event next year. We will have one set up shortly so that Units can put it on their schedules.

Otherwise everything is falling into place for this year's event. The barns are being cleaned out for use as HQs and limited billeting. There is parking for trailers across the street from the event grounds for vehicles and there will also be some parking indoors for vehicles. All static displays will be in buildings that can be locked overnight, and firewood and rations will be located by all billeting/bivouac areas. Scenarios are being finalized by the Commanders and me, and I am creating a scenario for the tactical that will hopefully be challenging and a lot of fun for the participants. It is going to be an actual event from the 10 days of fighting and will be presented as such with the original orders issued to commanders. (or as close to possible) We can see if history will repeat itself for the tactical. Saturday's public battle will be the initial drops and Sundays will consist of a German counterattack to regain the lost ground on Saturday. Sunday's fighting will be more Urban based than Saturdays. All scenarios will be finalized on September 13th and on arrival at the site, orders will be issued to unit commanders. We want reenactors to be forced to use the chain of command in order to add to the overall realism of the event. Hopefully you will come out and make this event a success.


Rich Johnson
Event Coordinator
Richard Johnson
Event Coordinator
65th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden
Reenactment and Memorial Weekend at
West Overton Museums