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Author Topic: Michigan Viking Reenactor  (Read 5256 times)

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Michigan Viking Reenactor
« on: October 05, 2009, 01:30:47 PM »
My name is Einar Severinson, and I portray an Anglo-Dane farmer ca. 980 from Lindsey, England (modern N. Lincolnshire).  My reenactment group is called V?kingarnir ?r Mikillv?tnumum, which is Vikings of the Great Lakes in the old Dansk tongue.  We do roughly 10-12 days of public reenactment yearly, mostly at mid-sized Ren Faires in our immediate area.  The local economy is is terrible shape, but the Ren Faires still seem to be doing good business, and we have many visitors we strive to educate about the Viking era and Norse culture.

I am largely focused on period carpentry work, though I have studied up on Norse farming practices and do a bit of weaving (tablets and backstrap loom) and shoe-making.   My Wife, Engilla, sews and cooks for us.

If anyone lives close to Charlotte, MI we will be having our annual Yule Feast fundraiser on December 5.  More info will be available soon on pricing, ticket sales, and live entertainment appearing at this event.  As the Norse would say, "Gle?ileg J?l!"
Einar Severinson, V?kingarnir ?r Mikillv?tnumum