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Approach to Budapest!
« on: October 21, 2009, 11:18:35 PM »
From the Redy Army groups:

Approach to Budapest, Dec. 1944 ( Dec 4-6th 2009 in Lugoff SC, near Camden ) Hosted by IR 134 ( German ) and the 13th Guard ( Soviet ) Registration 1200 Friday - 0800 Saturday $15 per person, period vehicle owners/ horse owners are admitted free.
This will truly be a unique event you'll never forget! All hardcore Red Army and Romanian reenactors welcomed! Germans are by invite only. Strict authenticity WILL be enforced so farbs stay home or prepare to remove what items are not permitted.
Please, no modern glasses ( has proper 40's frames for a good price ) or sunglasses, full beards, goatees or sideburns, M-36 or Czech helmets ( unless properly converted to an M-39), postwar blue ushankas, early war Y straps etc. I won't go into great detail on the subject as it's YOUR duty as a Red Army reenactor to know what's right and what's not for a late 44 event. It is also encouraged that when the Shinel greatcoat is not being worn, you wear it as a horseshoe roll like they did over the left shoulder. This is something seldom seen at GPW events. Proper loaner gear will be lent free of charge if you do not have it, including proper ushankas ( first come, first served ), just please make sure I get my stuff back.
Any questions on these subjects may be directed to me, look for my email address and phone number below. Please, serious questions only, I'm not looking to debate authenticity with anyone by email. I'll have enough questions as is.
Must be 15 or older to participate in the battle. Pyro is allowed, however, they must pass proper safety inspection.
We've already started proper Soviet defensive positions on this land so please bring e-tools, period shovels, pick axes, axes etc. Every minute of downtime will be used to help improve the site for future use. The land owner has given us permission to do anything we want on the land, within reason. We plan on making this site the Newville of the south and it's well on it's way already!
All frontoviks will be required to wear what you'll need on your back that weekend. Please, no sleeping bags, modern tents, coolers etc...extra wool blankets can be provided if you should need. If you have extra blankets for others to use, please bring them! Strict? You bet! Standards are high and for good reason. We really want you to have a good "time-trip" and have a good time doing it. Also, real Russians with really good impressions will be at this event as frontoviki, so look sharp!
Firewood, hay and water will be provided. If all goes well, I will personally supply borsh soup, bread, vodka ration ( after the battle of course ) and period Belomorkanel cigarettes on Saturday for those interested, free of charge. Just my way of saying "bol'shoy spasiba" for coming. However, for the most part, you will have to supply your own food rations for the weekend. No one will be selling blanks on site that I know of, so have your own blanks ahead of time.
Vendors are welcomed to set up in the parking lot to sell your items.


BATF Address and actual address for the event is : 102 Gettys Rd Lugoff, S.C. 29078 Kershaw County. Follow the WW2 signs. For more info, contact Dorian Motowylak @ or call 910-624-2866 day or night.
Vash tovarish, Guard's Captain Dorian Motowylak
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
4th SS Polizei Division
318th, 80th ID AEF