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Author Topic: World war one reenacting  (Read 24780 times)

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World war one reenacting
« on: December 24, 2007, 05:00:17 PM »
Hello is ww1 reenacting as exspesive as say ww2 or cw and why are german weapons so hard to come by even the old junked up ones have just about dissappeared thats gotta hurt the growth of the hobby any clue on any allied units close to alabama???  thanks in advance

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Offline Oskar_2ndChev

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Re: World war one reenacting
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2007, 02:22:43 PM »
Doing a WWI German impression is not quite as expensive (but close) as doing a WWII German (basic Heer infantry, no "specialized" impressions). As for weapons, they're still out there but you have to be patient and shop around- the best thing to do is keep checking out Auction Arms and For the more mechanically able, you can also find GEW 98s that wound up in use with other countries and convert them to the proper configuration. Most units should have some loaners to get you going- as far as I can tell, it hasn't slowed down German WWI reenacting.

As for an Allied unit, I'm out here in California so someone else may be more qualified to answer that question. Good luck!
Adam Lid
aka Oskar Landschultz/Matthew Hawkins
3rd Squadron, 2nd Chevauleger
Co. H, 2nd US Cavalry

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Re: World war one reenacting
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2007, 02:22:43 PM »
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Re: World war one reenacting
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2007, 02:38:33 PM »
Hello Heniz,

I'm the founder of a British WW.1 reenactment group here in California: 2nd Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers. To add a little to what 'Oskar_2ndChev' has informed you. All three periods, American Civil War, WW.1 and WW.2 are about on an equal par as regards to cost to the individual. However, that should never deter anyone from getting in and enjoying the period with like minded individuals.

I appreciate your interest and want to portray your Grandfather's unit, but there is quite an overflow of German units at present, and the Allies from both World Wars are being left in the dark. Pretty soon, the German units will have to fight amongst themselves, or wait in line in order to engage an Allied unit or two.

In reference to your question about the American side of things for WW.1. The correct rifles to use would be either the '03' Springfield, or the Model 1917 Enfield. The Pattern 1914 Enfield in .303. cal was not issued to American troops, unless they were directly attached to a British unit during the latter part of 1917. However, any American unit that you portray will only have one particular type of rifle in use; either the Springfield or the Enfield... not both. Incidentally, Sgt Yorks battalion used the Model 1917.

The German rifles of the period are out there in their original military spec, but if found are commanding ridiculas prices. Many are still found in europe, but you'll need to find an FFL dealer who is willing to carry out the paperwork for you.... and this comes at a price! The ongoing craze (eating up both Allied and German rifles) of sportizing, is where you'll find the item you require, but you'll need to find a good source of original parts to bring it back to military spec. Visit as many 'Gun Shows' as you possibly can... you might get lucky!

Hope the above has helped?

« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 02:49:48 PM by Findabetterole »

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Re: World war one reenacting
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2007, 02:33:32 AM »
by the way are 03 springfields correct or 1917 enfields or brit type enfields for american impression

The short answer is that it depends on the unit. However, with that said, there were far more 1917 Enfields issued than 1903 Springfields.
Adam Lid
aka Oskar Landschultz/Matthew Hawkins
3rd Squadron, 2nd Chevauleger
Co. H, 2nd US Cavalry

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Re: World war one reenacting
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2008, 07:54:36 PM »
. by the way are 03 springfields correct or 1917 enfields or brit type enfields for american impression


All three were used by American Troops in France durning WWI, as Oskar said it really depends on the unit. the 4th Marine Brigade were exclusively issued M1903's.

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Re: World war one reenacting
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2008, 12:12:20 AM »
;D thanks for the info i am toying with the idea of starting an German unit 7co 1batt IR 88 my great grandfather fought in this unit all the way through ww1. am also interested on the American side of ww1 81st division or 5th division.

Why not just join an existing unit? I don't know where you're located, but it doesn't much matter -- starting a new unit is a massive pain in the ass and a LOT of work. 0|

I understand your desire to do your great grandfather's unit -- mine was in Co. E, 305th Inf.Rgt. 77th InfDiv... however, we have waaaaaaaaaay to many allies right now. We need more good guys, rather than more allies  (^)

Just curious, if your G-Grandfather was in a German unit, from whatyou wrote, I am guessing it'd be 7./I.R.88, but how was it a "Batterie?" That's an Artillerie term... |0|
Marsh Wise
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Re: World war one reenacting
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2008, 02:53:47 PM »
I'll back up what Marsh is saying.  I don't know about WW1 on the west coast, but in the east Germans are outnumbered by around 2 to 1.  Granted, the Allied forces are made up almost entirely of Americans, with a small contingent of French and a shrinking contingent of BEF forces.  It seems like almost every week a new American unit consisting of 20+ guys forms up.

Try joining an existing unit before setting up your own.  First, there are WAY too many nuances for a newbie to pick up without a LOT of help from guys who have been around the block a few times.  Second, WW1 in the trenches works much better when there is coordination, leadership, and teamwork.  This is vastly simpler when there are a few big and well-organized units than when there are dozens of units made up of 2-5 guys. 

Keep in mind, WW1 is completely different from any other period of reenacting.  Because you're sitting in a trench most of the time, seeing little beyond the troops manning the parapet to your left and your right and the sky above, there is necessarily much greater focus on the living history aspects of the hobby (although combat can get pretty intense sometimes too!).  I generally enjoy WW2 reenacting for the fighting and the cool kit.  I generally enjoy WW1 for the immersive living history aspects.
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Re: World war one reenacting
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2008, 02:22:26 AM »
Out here on the West Coast, the situation is the reverse: we have far more Germans (the "wall o' feldgrau") than Allies and it's really hurting us (it gets old getting overrun every half hour or so because there aren't enough allies to cover the line). Unfortunately, most of the new recruits we've gotten have gone German. While our organization bylaws permit new unit formation, we pretty much discourage it- we'd rather have fewer units with more people than a bunch of micro-units running around playing cowboys and indians.

I'll echo the others here- creating a new unit is a royal pain in the ass and best avoided, especially if you're new to the WWI scene. Better to get with an established unit and learn the ropes. I inherited the Americans (Co. G, 364th US) and it's been a real pain trying to get at least two others to show up to an event (lots of talking but no walking).

Anyway, Marsh and Peter pretty much have it covered. 
Adam Lid
aka Oskar Landschultz/Matthew Hawkins
3rd Squadron, 2nd Chevauleger
Co. H, 2nd US Cavalry

Offline HENIZ

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Re: World war one reenacting
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2008, 10:50:55 PM »
Thanks to all of you for your information it has been very helpful. i havent been able to locate any ww 1 units near me and now that i am moving again  this time to south alabama i will have to put any thoughts of ww1 on hold .
Again thank you all for you responses and information.


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Re: World war one reenacting
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2008, 10:50:55 PM »
Hessen Antique (aff)