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  • National Vietnam War Tactical : October 07, 2011 - October 08, 2011

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National Vietnam War Tactical
« on: August 28, 2011, 12:04:41 PM »

National Vietnam War Tactical
October 7th, 8th Harwood, Texas.

Event organizers:
  • 5th Special Forces Reenactment Group
  • CCC: San Antonio, Texas
  • CCN: DFW Metroplex, Texas
Event Sign up at:
Yahoo group:

Greetings all and thank you for your interest in the National Vietnam War Tactical! This event is fixin? to be the biggest Vietnam War tactical ever held in the State of Texas and possibly the entire U.S. Tactical Paintball is an excellent facility for hosting such an event, feel free to check out the aerial view of the field at Tactical Paintball?s website which where you will also sign up. The theme for this event is loosely based upon a ?Bad day at Bu Dop? which you can google for all the details so I won?t repeat them here.

Now for some of the important event details:
  • This is not a Paintball or Airsoft event. Blank firing weapons only.
  • Event timings: The site is hot from the time you arrive on Friday until dark on Saturday night. Expect VC activity at ANYTIME during the event. We expect the VC to probe all U.S. bases looking for a weakness to exploit for an all out assault.
  • There will be two ?O? groups for all attendees at the stage by the Mess hall at 1800hrs on Friday and again at 0900hrs on Saturday. The Saturday morning ?O? group is mandatory for all participants.

Authenticity: If you are already a member of a Vietnam reenactment group then you should have well established guidelines for authenticity. If not, please see the authenticity standards published at Moore Militaria?s website:

For U.S. reenactors:

For VC/NVA reenactors:

All reenactors must be attached to a group. If you are not presently a member of an organized group, please contact the organizers with your impression so you can be attached to an appropriate group.

RTO?s: Every group maneuvering independently must have a working PRC25, PRC77, AN VRC 46 or 47, or any other Vietnam era radio and an RTO with a HAM radio license who knows how to work within a tactical net, knows the phonetic alphabet and radio procedures, and how to decipher a Shackle Code. There will be a TOC at the Special Forces ?B? team base and the call sign for the overall Commander will be BLACKJACK 6. We only have a few spare radios so speak up early if you need to borrow one (cash deposit required) for the weekend.

Pyro: Use of pyro will be a last minute decision based upon burn bans in the County and the Facility Manager?s best estimate of the effect the drought has had on the property. If, and this is a big if, if the Facility Manager allows personal pyro such as blank firing mortars, aerial flares, smoke grenades, grenade simulators etc. the rule is, if you?ve thrown it, you own it. Personal responsibility is a wonderful thing and should be practiced by all.

No pyro of any sort that creates shrapnel is allowed.

Meals: bring your own or sign up at the Tactical Paintball website for any of these three options:
1) No meals thank you, I?m bring my own grub.
2) Sign me up for all three meals on Saturday.
3) Steak dinner (with all the trimmings) Saturday night only.

Camping: There is a large area at the east end of the property for RV?s (no hook-ups) or civilian tents. No non-military vehicles or equipment is allowed past the Mess Hall.

Motels: there are two motels nearby, information of which can be found on the Tactical Paintball website.

Be sure to join the yahoo group to keep with the latest developments regarding this event.
We?ll see all y?all there!

In patriotism,
The members of the 5th Special Forces Reenactment Group
Marsh Wise
My blog (boring!!):
-1./J.R. 23
-Legio IX Hispana

Alteris renumera duplum de quoquo tibi numeraverunt

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress... But then I repeat myself.