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Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« on: November 10, 2007, 02:37:18 PM »
Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
For a while now, I?ve been thinking about how much hatred there seems to be in our hobby of reenacting. So much hatred and jealousy? I recently bought a sailboat and WOW! All of the people I have met so far have been nice!! Now look, I know that it ain?t all rose-colored sweetness, but I also can see that the way we do it isn?t so cool.

Not only do organizations split due to egos and power trips, but friendships are destroyed over trivial BS. In the beginning of WWII Reenacting, there was the HRS, then the Eastern guys split to start the Federation, which has split due to its own politics. Now we have all kinds of different organizations all over the country? is this a good thing? I don?t think so.

And the hatreds? we all know of at least a couple of serious ?feuds? in our hobby that have went on for years over just plain STUPID BS. It?s sad! We all have the same interests, the same desire for fun -- yet this kind of BS seems to get in the way of it. I am going to work on ending any kind of disagreements w/ people I may have and I encourage YOU to do the same. Maybe it won?t work, maybe it?ll do nothing, but I feel I need to try.

I know, most of you think I?m just blathering, but I have been making it a point lately to let go of my anger and hatreds, there?s no point in it. Anyway, I?m posting this in the hope of getting some good response. Feel free to jump in comment.
Best, Marsh
Marsh Wise
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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2007, 07:17:35 PM »
I have reenacted for 25 years now.  What you observe is not new, unfortunately. :'(  It's called human nature.  Your comment about the sailing made me laugh :laugh:  Yeah, everybody's great and nice.....right now.  Again, it's human nature. 0|  We just have to grow a thick skin and a sense  of forgiveness.  I know, I live with it everyday.  My sister was killed in a senseless car accident 2 1/2 years ago.  An 18 year old girl was out all night with her prom, then played in a softball tournament all morning.  She fell asleep at the wheel and hit my sister head on at one in the afternoon.  She sister didn't.  Some days, I hate that girl with all my heart and feel it eat me up inside.  Then, I breath deep, try and forgive her and realize that she has to live with this guilt for all her life....something I wouldn't wish on my enemy.
Hate and anger penetrates all aspects of our lives, all lives. (unless you're Jesus, God, Buddah or some other WAY forgiving entity)  Our job, to try and lighten up our area of life/world/reenacting/ for it just being in reenacting,well....I've seen the same thing happen in bead collecting societies, horse stables where people stable their animals together, and other hobbies where there are more than one gosh, look at all the religious factions :laugh:  its human nature....who wants to change that? ;)
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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2007, 07:26:59 PM »
Oops! :-[
I forgot to add, the reason I mentioned reenacting for 25 years, my personal experiences have me outlasting four different regiments that had either factioned off or dissolved because of feuds among the members....  I just moved onto another group.  In fact, the last group I was with for over 10 years started becoming so clique-ish (and I was NOT a member of the "in" crowd) that my husband and I moved on before my feelings became majorly hurt rather than just stingingly bruised.  That's life.... now it's onto bigger and better things.
Oh, by the way, that thing about feuds and human nature.... did I mention that I had an uncle that didn't speak to his brothers for over 15 years, until he thought he was dying? ;D  again, that human nature's everywhere you want(or don't) want to be....  just try to make your own little section of life brighter ;)
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Offline Sturmkatze

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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2007, 07:43:35 PM »
I know, I have just grown SO tired of the  ..O I know, we ALL have bad days but there are people out there who seem to just make it their "mission" to make everyone else miserable.  0| I myself have a low BS tolerance and get kinda irritated when people try to make others miserable. Hell, I used to know this guy in the Southern Guards (unit made famous by the book "Confederates inthe Attic")... anyway, he told me how they thought it was fun to make other reenactors cry... really. We really haven't been friends since. Kharma has gotten him though...  ;) Saw him last weekend and well, I won't go on...  :laugh:

Anyway, in my opinion, that kind of crap makes "authentics" or us "stitch nazis" out to be a-holes. What is really sucky is that most of the "authentic" set will go way out of their way to help people... it's just the .00001 % that makes it bad. If I think about it I get irked.

So... mellow, happy...  yoy
Marsh Wise
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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2007, 10:42:20 PM »
Yeah, that .ooo1 will always win out..... but I know what good I've done...I don't have to have a pat on the back to know I brightened a persons day.  My story....I was really overweight for a good part of by life (as opposed to just overweight now) and had stomach surgery to help.  When I lost alot of the weight, most of my 18th c. clothes didn't fit.  Instead of selling the clothes for outrageous amounts of money,  I would pick out some heavy set women at events and tell them I had some clothes they might like.  I knew by the look in their eyes....they said they wouldn't fit...I knewhow it felt, not to be able to buy off the rack from sutlers/vendors because of my size.  I never sold anything for over $20, and I gave quite a bit of it away.... there are more clothes out there today that used to belong to me than I even now own...just the look on their faces when they realized the stuff fit, AND  it wasn't half bad...I knew somehow I convinced some women to keep reenacting,  to not get frustrated or to give up...
when you look for the good in people, that's what you'll find......when you look for the bad, well, you can finish the saying.....
I guess what I'm saying is that what goes around ....comes around...(I hope).... it's that whole karma thing.......maybe Earl is right......
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Offline michaelsbagley

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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2007, 10:18:13 AM »
I'd had a pretty bad run of luck with regards to BS and re-enactment over the last few years, but I haven't given up...

I've actually just been more selective about what re-enactments I do. I find that collections of individuals actually re-enact/work better together. Without a formalized groups much of the ego tripping and power struggle can't really take hold. It still happens, but without a formal group there is no one person or clique that can kick anyone to the curb, or any of that nonsense. This take does have it's down sides.... Working with collections of individuals does tend to make for smaller turnouts, but givent he choice of working with 5 to 10 people who may (or may not) all get along but are all willing to work together versus a larger "Group", where someone is "in charge".... I'll take the smaller collection of individuals any day of my life.

Lets face it folks, we all have bosses that tell us what to do on average 40 hours of our lives each week (millage may vary), some are decent about it, many are not... But we put up with that crap because we get paid to... It will be a cold day in hell before I sign up for a hobby where I am volunteering my time, and going through great personal expense to be treated that way by a fellow re-enactor.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 10:22:44 AM by michaelsbagley »

Offline Sturmkatze

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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2007, 12:34:13 PM »
Michael, that's all well and good for a Frontier impression, but for more modern stuff, like WWI, WWII, 'Nam or even ACW, it ain't gonna work. However, there just doesn't need to be a level of hatred. I fear a goodly part of it is the "glass half-empty" mentality. "No, that won't work... we shouldn't even try it." This kind of thinking dooms all good stuff.
Marsh Wise
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Offline Antonescu

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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2007, 02:39:32 PM »
Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
Not only do organizations split due to egos and power trips, but friendships are destroyed over trivial BS. In the beginning of WWII Reenacting, there was the HRS, then the Eastern guys split to start the Federation, which has split due to its own politics. Now we have all kinds of different organizations all over the country? is this a good thing? I don?t think so.

Well, we formed the WWII LHA as a non-profit for living history/display/educational events. Not too many issues since we are still working on allowing other units to join it and the issues involved with that. In my opinion, if an organization is ran by arschlochs, say you can only attend their events, etc. then why belong? Why deal with the powerhungry SOB's since there really is no power at all in reenacting? Like I say to those in my unit, no-one in this hobby signs my paychecks so they have no power over me. Talking to some like-minded groups who are interested in forming an organization on a more regional level. Can't and won't go into that one until all said and done.
"Those who forget the past are condemned to relive it" George Santayana (1863-1952)
4th SS Polizei Division
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Offline michaelsbagley

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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2007, 05:11:15 PM »
Michael, that's all well and good for a Frontier impression, but for more modern stuff, like WWI, WWII, 'Nam or even ACW, it ain't gonna work. However, there just doesn't need to be a level of hatred. I fear a goodly part of it is the "glass half-empty" mentality. "No, that won't work... we shouldn't even try it." This kind of thinking dooms all good stuff.

I don't want to turn this into a debate.... But I see no reason why even more modern military impressions can not be done in some manner similar to what I suggested. Seriously, in just about EVERY era of re-enacting I have been exposed to (wether particpating, or as an audience member) the ratio of "officers" (feel free to substitute more appropriate term to your timeline) to "general soldiers" is grossly out of wack. Having a collection of individuals all willing to play the "average joe", and electing (or drawing lots or taking turns) being the officer(s) for each event can work perfectly. Anyone cool enough to be willing to have an "average joe" impression would be good with this arangement. Seriously, MOST (and this is a generalization NOT a truism), but most of the egos and attitudes, and conflicts of interests stem from those who are "in charge" and/or want to be. Make ALL particpants equals, with the opportunitity for those who want to be, get to play commander once in a while.... Doesn't leave much left to fight over, except for the possible debate over whose turn it is to be "in charge"... Something that can be dealt with by a solid plan for turns... Hell if said group only does a handful of events per year, most events are weekend long events, that gives two (or three days for long weekends) for two individuals to have their turn at being "in charge".

Offline Sturmkatze

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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2007, 06:24:10 PM »
most people don't want the headaches of being in charge... it's not like you get anything out of it except 0| Anyway, modern stuff is different -- and it does take people who know what's going on to run it... not to argue. Apples and oranges. Armor, trenches, vehicles, machine guns and paperwork for... etc.

So anyway, I just want the hate to end. Doubt it will though. yoy
Marsh Wise
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Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress... But then I repeat myself.

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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2007, 09:23:02 AM »
Well, I guess this kind of thing just rears it's head in all time frames of living history/ reenacting. I think that Antonescu & I are cut from the same cloth, as I heartily agree with his view.... that nobody in reenacting signs my paycheck.  These power play hosers generally wear the brand that they have put on themselves, and pretty soon it's evident to all involved that these people are the south end of a northbound horse. Granted, it can be aggravating.  And it definitely drain off the enjoyment factor. But once it's realized what these people are, you can kind of plan accordingly. and have a goodtime anyway.  --It REALLY pisses them off to know that you're not impressed or intimidated by their flair for the absurd!  Megalomania comes in a lot of forms.  It CAN be ENTERTAINING to watch if you can keep your cool.
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Offline Sturmkatze

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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2007, 02:02:07 AM »
Like I always say "Go ahead, COURTMARTIAL me under the Uniform Code of Reenactor Justice.  :P Sometimes you just gotta remind folks of things. Now granted, I'm a "stitch nazi" but... saying that, I am not gonna tell you what kit to wear (unless you're in MY unit, or at an event I"m running)... however, I want my OWN stuff dead-on. Just please don't ruin MY time trip by coming out looking like a rag-bag refugee from a third world nation... that or show up w/ your "Sepp Dietrich starter kit" of medals and expect me to fawn over you... >:(

Anyway, happy-happy, joy-joy...  ;;;
« Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 02:03:59 AM by Sturmkatze »
Marsh Wise
My blog (boring!!):
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Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress... But then I repeat myself.

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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2007, 05:32:41 PM »
I "love" the GI unit's especially Ranger units who have a Capt. , Lt, 5 different Sgt. 3 Corp. and one lonly private. They too want common units to think they are better then  all the rest of us. Our squad has one acting Sgt, me since nobody wants the stripes and 12 privates. Everyone who wanted got a chance for one year to be a squad leader. After the year is up the stripes are turned in and a new leader is picked from the remainding active members. This gets the politics out of the squad.
 When we see a unit at a reenactment Axis or Allied that is fulll of privates, we want to work with them at any event. They understand history. War is fought by the privates ,without privates the big shots would have to order themselves around.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 05:39:41 PM by battlebaby4 »
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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2007, 01:54:22 AM »
I say start small with the good stuff, get known as the "cool stich-nazi" tell them where they are wrong and what to improve, soon they will be doing what you had done and your small coner of reenacting is that much better, then work on the big picture. Just my $.02
Chris Daniels
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Re: Anger, hatred and the reenacting way.
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2008, 11:45:04 AM »
Hi All,
Just caught this thread.I have had the joy of reenacting for ,oh say 30 some years. ( Please don't age me,lol).
I have been told and have seen that some folks don't get along.I am still surprised by what people fight over.
This has affected my choices greatly.
The choices led me to working as a volunteer at a lovely museum.
Just this past year,I received notice that my museum hadn't funds to stay open.( Not the point here).
When the local reenactors found out, the bs and crap vanished and a small core group of every kind of reenactor has stood up and answered the call for help. They all had the one solid feeling,loving the fun of history.
I'm a humble person but I think my statement in German goes for all reenactors.
"Where your treasure is,there also is your heart". " Wo Euer Schatz Ist,Da Auch Ist Euer Herz."
I really try to focus on that when I start to get  bogged down and I get back to why I became a part of the wonderful world of reenacting in the first place
.I met the coolest people and had the most fun  reliving history. :laugh:
At my museum we have had colonials,7 yr war ,civil war and WW2 reenactors sharing pizza ,beer , wine and cigars and it is awesome.
( The women share recipes too,lol).
Wow, I wrote a lot,but hope y'all are having fun in spite of the unacceptable behaviors.( Someone starts sayin wierd stuff,i respond with,"we don't do that here".You should see the looks I get ,lol).
Strumkaze, A boat,amazing.