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  • Flintlock & Tomahawk: August 02, 2008 - August 03, 2008

Author Topic: Flintlock & Tomahawk , life along the St. Joseph River , Bristol , IN  (Read 3528 times)

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Offline Bonnie aka blnzrfn

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Flintlock and Tomahawk , Life along the St . Joseph River . Held in Cummins Park , Behind the Elkhart County Historical Museum . a beautiful wooded setting along the banks of the river . Camp opens at 8 : 30 AM August 1 for set-up and relaxation . 1750 -1790 juried event . Invited are hunting pioneers , farming pioneers  , Eastern Woodland Natives , Scouts , Longhunters , ruffians , river rogues  and Militia . Any acknowledged 18th century persona is welcome . Modest blanket trading allowed . Sutlers by invitation . Roving musicians will provide entertainment . Amenities include wood , water , straw , port - a - johns , indoor plumbing for approximately 16 hours per day . Saturday evening meal provided by sponsors . Registration deadline is July 18th 2008 . To register , Contact Nick Hoffman at 574-848-4322  or e-mail at                                                                                                                                                                         as seen in " Smoke & Fire News "
« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 09:05:59 AM by blnzrfn »
"as seen in Smoke and Fire News ;"